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  1. Mount And Blade Warband Claimant Rebellion

As I wrote about, the conflict over theinitial conception of the United States, as fought between theAnti-Federalist opponents of the Constitution and its Federalistsupporters, continues on to this day, though no one is quite certainwhich side they are on. Of course, every politician desires todemonstrate their beliefs stem directly from (and are corroboratedby) the Constitution, especially the modern Republican party who wrapthemselves in its papery embrace, but neither modern party strictlyadheres to arcane orthodoxy. The most embarrassing example is when aprominent politician “ ”a founding father, with my personal favorite being toquote Thomas Paine, when he actually quoted. Thepower of taxation is bound excursively in the House ofRepresentatives. No bill containing monetary provisions can begin inthe Senate (which is why the Republican Health Care bill had tooriginate in the House, even if the Senate chooses to completelyrewrite it), and even this was a concession by the Federalists.Hamilton and Madison believed the House would transform into a mob,but knew the Anti-Federalists would not accept the power of taxationin the hands of the Senate. Regarding taxation, Hamilton wrote in, “.

Thefederal government must of necessity be invested with an unqualifiedpower of taxation in the ordinary modes.” He was responding to thefailure of States under the Articles of Confederation to supply therequisitions of Congress. Under the Articles of Confederation theNational government could request money, but it had no means toenforce what were essentially powerless pleas. The Constitutionempowered the United States to directly tax citizens, instead ofasking the states.

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States today, are still allowed to tax citizens,but can not tax the Federal government, as decided in 1819's SupremeCourt Case, McCulloch v. Maryland.Chief Justice John Marshall declared in his decision, “That thepower to tax involves the power to destroy is not to bedenied,” implying the states had no right to overpower the Nationalgovernment, because of its supremacy. Howmuch can the National Government tax? Legally, the United States canimpose taxes of any amount it desires, leaving the States not a cent.Of course it does not do this, and taxes at a reasonable level,enabling the states space in which to raise their own revenue.Additionally, the United States taxes citizens and returns a portionto each states, depending on each state's needs.wrote an article on how money is redistributed, with a detailedexamination on which states (as of 2014) receive and which give. Andwhat did the Anti-Federalists want?


At the time of the Articles ofConfederation, the National government directly collected the importand export taxes, and nothing else. The Anti-Federalists desiredthat the taxation powers remain as under the Articles, or acompromise. They feared the centralized power of taxation, andpredicted it would lead to the eventual destruction of the states. Whatis taxation's final outcome? Hamilton said in,(and these italics are his, not mine) “. Inthe usual progress of things, the necessities of a nation, in everystage of its existence, will be found at least equal to itsresources.

”He means, the needs of a people will always expand to that of theircountry's available resources. When a country is wealthy, the peoplewill find a means of using that wealth, implemented through theNational Government. Government will expand to provide for theexpanding needs of its citizens. And he was right, as this soundslike an early germ (not disease) of social programs.

Note, it isdifficult, or perhaps impossible, to say whether he condemns orendorses this situation. Rather, he states it as a fact, withoutclear bias toward one position or the other. Concluding taxation, itseems, that on this first issue the Democrats are with theFederalists, and the Republicans, side with the Anti-Federalists. Yet,the main purpose of taxation in Hamilton's mind was not socialprograms, but defense. The Constitution, without the Bill of Rights,is essentially a document organized singularly for the defense of theUnited States. After all, Hamilton ridiculed the Articles ofConfederation for their inability to pay off debts and maintain astanding army capable of quelling internal dissents, and fending offforeign foes.

Mount And Blade Warband Claimant Rebellion

For this purpose a national, professional, permanentmilitary would be required, supplied with the best equipment theUnited States could provide. A strong program of centralized financewould be required, as examined above. But the Anti-Federalists didnot desire this. Referring to the Republican tradition of the boththe golden age of Greece and their own recent success in theRevolutionary War, they said their armies would be like the phalanx,composed of citizen soldiers, temporary, independent, and localized.Like the hoplite they would bear their own weapon, and fight for thelove of country rather than cash. The Federalists rejected thissolution, but when the Anti-Federalist asked for each state to retainits independent militia, the Federalists demurred. In this case, thereader can see the ideas of the Federalist more closely align withthe Republican party (though it should be noted that the Federalistdoes not discuss in detail the use of the military, only declaringbroadly that it is for the common defense).

The previousarticle compared the infantry and cavalry of the six factions ofCalradia. There will be a review of the results at the end, but theprevious article can be found.Archery is amore complicated puzzle.

Archers, by their very function, are used to kill enemyunits at a distance. Two techniques were used to evaluate the skill ofeach faction's archers.The first chartrecords the results when allied archers formed a lineand fired at the enemy archers as they approached. Thecomputer's archers marched closer than was necessary beforethey would begin to return fire. Meanwhile, my archers would be anumber of volleys ahead. By the time the enemy started firing backthey were already at a numerical disadvantage.

Sometimes, instead of returning fire, half of their remaining archers charged straight into melee. Obviously, this is not the optimal strategy. Let's look at the chart.Note (Reading the Chart): In the charts that follow, the colors areuse.

One of the best creations of moderngaming are the platforms, like Steam and GOG, which allow gamers toenjoy any number of older games (or ancient games), as long as theycan handle the graphics.And one of the great things about videogames is they lend themselves to analysis. Not just the stories, butstatistical examination.is both an older game and one that needsanalysis. It is an action, strategy,role-playing game from 2010. The player controls an adventurer inthe land of Calradia, a fictional medieval setting. The land is rentby perpetual war between six factions. Since it is an RPG thecharacter has four attributes, twenty-four skills, and six weaponproficiencies The player can hire soldiers and move around a massivemap of Calradia in real time. There are towns, castles, and citiesto visit.

There are villagers, caravans, and armies moving from townto town and city to city. The game has no required goals, no largerstory-line. After the two week interruption, it'stime to return to video games (There will be a final Star Wars piecetomorrow).After outlining the Europa Universalisandthe uniqueness of characters in EU: Rome, it's time to compare EU3and EU4 (EU3 complete vs EU4 vanilla – just to be clear).Upon playing a new session it becameclear that the difference between EU 3 and 4 is less like thedifference between using a Mac or PC, and more like driving the 2016model of a car after driving the 2015 model.

Playing EU3 willprepare a player for all the components of EU4. The player will seeboth games use the same underlying systems, just as two Ford Focuseswill handle the same on the road. An experience player of EU3 willhave no surprises playing EU4.That is, until the details begin.The most noticeable difference happenedduring the first war. Soldiers move from province to province with aline indicating where they are moving to, and the line fills up asthey r. Pyre:If an ending is great it is preferableto hint at, but not spoil, the ending. If the plot is terrible,there is no excuse to hide its failings, no qualms in revealingeverything.

Overall Pyre resides in the first category, buttiny bits of it exist in the second.The action of Pyre occurs in theCommonwealth, a Theocratic state founded by the virtuous Scribes, butcorrupted by the passing of time. The Commonwealth sends it convictsdown a magical river which deposits them in the Downlands. The onlyescape from this discomforting land is another magical river whichlifts a single passenger skyward back to the Commonwealth. Thistranspiration can only be accessed by the anointed winner of theLiberation Rite, which occur infrequently, maybe only once a year.Anointed who return are forgiven for past criminal activity andhonored for their valor in winning the Rites. The broad outlines areremi. “Isn't he so beautiful.”“Look at his eyes.”“Look at his smile.”“Dear, did you bring Paul?”“Yes.”“I know he is too little to hold him,but set him right there next to the flowers.”“So they can be lifelong friends.”“Are you ready Peter? It's time toleave.”Peter looked around his former bedroom,now stripped bare for the move.

Along the door frame were the marksmade by his father drawn each birthday. In the corner was his closetwhere he used to hide from his parent at bed time, but at night, hewatched it carefully because Paul was afraid of monsters. Peterglanced out the window and saw the house of his best friend Ericacross the street. Even though his seventh birthday was only a monthaway, he had the sense to know they would never see each other again.There was hurt, but as long as he had his life long friend he couldbe brave whatever the trouble. He picked up his small bag and walkedinto the hall.“Do you have everything?”“Yes Mom.”Two hours late.

Create a FactionWe have established the basic process of how to create your own faction. In simple terms you simply have to seize a town or city as an independent. The problem is keeping your empire and avoiding a crushing attack from the other factions. Obviously you have to be levelled up, kitted out and in command of a large, well trained army. Making friends will also help because there is a greater chance that other lords will stay neutral when you rebel.

Now we’ll have a look at recruiting lords, marrying ladies and increasing your Right to Rule. Recruiting Lords.

You can also improve your chances of victory by recruiting lords to your cause. This will make your faction more powerful but it will also decrease your chances of grabbing land for yourself. If you persuade a lord to defect or you make a companion into a vassal you will need to grant them lands of their own to keep them happy. If you make a companion into a vassal make sure they are levelled up with good armour and weaponry first because you won’t be able to change it afterwards.You’ll need to talk to them in private if you want to recruit them. Make sure that you have a decent relationship before you broach the subject so as to avoid trouble.

You can also question the competency of the current king and suggest you would do a better job. It is a smart idea to survey the scene before making any moves and make sure you approach the disaffected lords.You can find out the situation by observing messages, talking to lords and ladies and sending your companions to gather intelligence. It is important you recruit lords and promote companions with similar ideas or you’ll end up with a hopeless kingdom. Another new option in Mount & Blade: Warband is to woo a lady with poetry and marry her. You can do it in secret or you can get her father’s permission (sometimes brother). It takes several visits to worm your way into a bedchamber and it’s not a good idea to rush.

You can learn poems in taverns and there seems to be a limit of five in total.The benefit of marriage is that it gives you the ability to hold feasts and increase your standing. It also brings you closer to the family, provided the marriage was sanctioned. Be warned though, if you elope and marry without the permission of the male relative then you’ll be making an enemy for life.In order to meet eligible ladies you should win tournaments and then visit the feast and dedicate the tournament win to the lady you fancy. Once you declare an interest you’ll get summons occasionally or you can go to the city where the lady resides and you’ll see Attempt to visit a lady as a new menu option. When the relationship gets advanced enough and you’ve tried out all your poems on her you can pop the question.

Right to Rule. An important new concept in Mount & Blade: Warband is Right to Rule. You can check your Right to Rule rating in your Character Report. When you think you are ready to create your own faction you should start to build up this rating by talking to your companions and telling them you want to be king. You’ll get an option to send them out on missions.

Each of your companions will have a different idea about how to improve your chances of becoming king. You’ll only be able to send one or two at a time and they’ll be away from your party for a few days while they complete the mission.

Each time they return your Right to Rule will increase by 3.If your Right to Rule rating is too low and you try to start your own faction you can expect serious opposition from all factions because they’ll regard you as a rebel bandit. To be taken seriously you have to have a good rating in terms of renown, honor and Right to Rule (just over 50 worked for me). Making PeaceYou can’t afford to be at war with everyone so you’ll want to make peace with some factions. If you are on friendly terms and you have a good standing in Calradia then you should be able to get peace. You can also use your companions as diplomats for your cause and send them to visit factions in an attempt to get treaties. You can do this by talking to your minister and asking him to dispatch an emissary.

You want to send someone in your party with good persuasion skills to increase your chances of success. Don’t be ControversialThere are various things that will make your standing suffer and so you must avoid them if you want to be taken seriously as a king. If you have a high Controversy rating you run the risk of incurring the wrath of everyone. You can check your Controversy by selecting Notes then Characters. Always make sure you take care of your lands.

If you don’t protect them and develop them your reputation will suffer. Be careful who you make into a vassal. Some lords will get upset and outraged if you grant status to a commoner. You can afford to promote companions like Alayen because they are of noble blood. Get permission for your love affairs.

If you sneak around behind the backs of male relatives or worse elope with a lady then you’ll anger people.Build a Solid Foundation. The gold doesn’t always flow very easily and since you’ll be engaged in major warfare when you begin a new faction you’ll want a solid financial base behind you. It is ideal if the first target you take is rich. It is also a good idea to target the weakest faction and scoop up their lands as quickly as possible.Remember that in order to attack a faction you need to have a negative relationship with them.If you plan well you should be ruling an empire in no time. If you have any suggestions for good tactics to use then please post a comment. This post is part of the series: Mount & Blade: Warband Guide.