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Fallout 4 Raider Gangs

Assigning a Gang to a Park Area- Fallout 4 Nuka-World. While one simply wants to make money from the theme park, another is all about protecting it and is happy as long as blood is spilled. As you explore the park and clear it of any threats, you’ll have to assign these park areas to the gangs.

The pack, as said already, is absolutely the best. No matter what build you have they are always the best choice.The Operators are good if you use silenced weapons. The damage bonus is outstanding. If you stealth as your main source of kills the perk is even better yet.The Disciples are good if you melee. Not even because of their perk, which is mostly garbage, but the reward at the end. The Instigating Disciples cutlass is the hands-down best melee weapon in the game.

Nothing competes with it. It's really not all that impressive if you're not playing on survival since you could just farm it though. The Chosen Disciple perk doesn't seem to have a reliable proc rate. I feel it's about 25% chance to proc for 25% action points restored, but I haven't been diligent with testing.Honestly I feel the Disciples are the worst faction unless you play on Survival mode, and even then you could debate against it. 'Fun' is literally in your own taste. I went with the disciples because I was playing on Survival and they reminded me of the Dark Brotherhood somewhat, which is my favorite faction in any video game ever. Originally posted by:The pack, as said already, is absolutely the best.

No matter what build you have they are always the best choice.The Operators are good if you use silenced weapons. The damage bonus is outstanding.

Fallout 4 Raider Gangs

If you stealth as your main source of kills the perk is even better yet.The Disciples are good if you melee. Not even because of their perk, which is mostly garbage, but the reward at the end. The Instigating Disciples cutlass is the hands-down best melee weapon in the game. Nothing competes with it. It's really not all that impressive if you're not playing on survival since you could just farm it though. The Chosen Disciple perk doesn't seem to have a reliable proc rate. I feel it's about 25% chance to proc for 25% action points restored, but I haven't been diligent with testing.Honestly I feel the Disciples are the worst faction unless you play on Survival mode, and even then you could debate against it.

'Fun' is literally in your own taste. I went with the disciples because I was playing on Survival and they reminded me of the Dark Brotherhood somewhat, which is my favorite faction in any video game ever.For melee, I feel Atom's Judgement is on par or slightly better than the cutlass because of it being a Radiatited x2 legendary super sledge. Its possible to do something ike 600-800 rad damage with it in one swing, which almost instagibs most mobs. And mobs immune to rads, well, its a super sledge with nuka world add-ons, its going to high like a freight train anyway.But yeah, Desciples perk is garbage. Its not 100%, it only restores a few action points, and only works for melee.

Fallout 4 raider gangs listFallout 4 Raider Gangs

Meanwhile the operators perk works for everyone in a way, even melee to an extent. That sneak bonus is really nice. An actual 'Build' In this game becomes completely useless on higher levels unless you're using a modded dificulty.

The barebones rpg element of the game makes the need to 'build' your character almost nonexistant. 6 survival completed games in and I've never felt the need to specificly pick a group just for their bonuses. Download white day pc. Why take the Pack for their bonus reduction when I already have all my damage and health persk maxed and have a set of full sentinal or assasin combat armor that makes it where even a deathclaw can barely hurt me?That being said, I went with the Operators. They seemed like the most 'Sane' and Organized of the three groups. Like if the three groups did go to war, I see the Operators coming out on top.My choice had little meaning tho because in the end I slaughtered them all. Slaves included.

Originally posted by:For melee, I feel Atom's Judgement is on par or slightly better than the cutlass because of it being a Radiatited x2 legendary super sledge. Its possible to do something ike 600-800 rad damage with it in one swing, which almost instagibs most mobs. And mobs immune to rads, well, its a super sledge with nuka world add-ons, its going to high like a freight train anyway.I don't feel that way. I'll explain XDThe cutlass has a damage of 35 with an AP cost of 20.Atom's Judgement has a damage of 40 with an AP cost of 45.Atoms Judgement only has 12.5% damage advantage but costs a whopping 125% more to use for each swing.

Fallout 4 Raider Outpost

If not using VATS the knife swings fast while the hammer swings slow.The knife also has the advantage of hitting 100% harder on the first hit. The knife is 3 carry weight while the hammer is 20. The knife hits everything equally hard while the hammer effect doesn't work on more than half the enemies in the game.

Originally posted by:For melee, I feel Atom's Judgement is on par or slightly better than the cutlass because of it being a Radiatited x2 legendary super sledge. Its possible to do something ike 600-800 rad damage with it in one swing, which almost instagibs most mobs.

And mobs immune to rads, well, its a super sledge with nuka world add-ons, its going to high like a freight train anyway.I don't feel that way. I'll explain XDThe cutlass has a damage of 35 with an AP cost of 20.Atom's Judgement has a damage of 40 with an AP cost of 45.Atoms Judgement only has 12.5% damage advantage but costs a whopping 125% more to use for each swing.

Fallout 4 Raider Gangs Walkthrough

If not using VATS the knife swings fast while the hammer swings slow.The knife also has the advantage of hitting 100% harder on the first hit. The knife is 3 carry weight while the hammer is 20. The knife hits everything equally hard while the hammer effect doesn't work on more than half the enemies in the game.Different weapons for different circomstances.

Atom's judgement lets you take out any level raider with 2 swings, so it is most certanly useful. But thats also probably because I have additional difficulty mods that drastically increase the amoutn of mobs, their health, and their damage.

My blitz melee glass canon survival character went for Pack/Operators, because she's a VATS-heavy build and her Lucky Disciples Blade that dropped off a legendary is probably all she'll ever use (besides Atom's Judgement for when she really needs to hit one target for ridiculous amounts of damage).Disciples is honestly the crappiest perk, especially if you have perks set up already to boost/refill AP. And I don't think their blade is worth it, but to each their own. I do have it on a different blitz-melee char (who can also run sneaky sniper) and honestly, I wish he had the Lucky one instead.