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Code:ContextPtr:LoadNewContext(.)Copy/paste ALL these lines somewhere safe, override the MPMODSPACK version with the custom version from your mod, then copy/paste these lines to the end of your custom version.In the future I hope to automate this, but that is not currently the case.Problem 14: After making the modpack, the game complains of missing assets.Possible Solution 14: There is a known bug in this where mods that have an internal name containing a colon (: ) do not properly have their folder copied into the MPMPM folder. Navigate to 'SteamSteamAppscommonSid Meier's Civilization VassetsDLCMPMODSPACK' and look for any missing mod folders. Copy anything folders missing from 'DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier's Civilization 5MODS'. A proper fix is in the works but may take some time. One-stop post for the Wish For The World-centric modpack development, for simplicity's sake.Update logs/download links:Latest v1.0.3.276-compliant version: Plan B v1 (April 17, 2015)- Madoka Magica - Rebellion v12- DLL - Various Mod Components v66- Metal Gear Solid & Rising: MSF v15, Outer Haven v3, World Marshall, Inc. V4, Philosophers' Legacy v3- Fate/Zero and /Stay Night: Arturia v8, Diarmuid v4, Iskander v6, Gilgamesh v9, Emiya v3- Funny Valentine v2- Nanoha v6- Hatsune Miku v6- 3rd Street Saints v6- City of Heroes v9- Hope's Peak Academy v2- Recettear v3- CIA v2- Touhou (Graan and Huitzil): Remilia v6, Eirin v3, Cirno v9, Utsuho v5, Yuuka v1- AND A NEW CHALLENGER!

  1. Multiplayer Mods Civ 5 Pc

(who's actually been buried in the modspack for quite a while)Planned for Future Addition:- Touhou: Pretty much everyone that isn't that Touhou Legends-oriented Aya Shameimaru is up for consideration.- Super High-School Level Content: You people like the Neps, I'll see what I can do about that.- Modular Soundtracks: File bloat from Huitzil's Touhous alone made up some 75% of the filesize for v1.0.3.144-centric modspacks. I hope to ultimately introduce code-only iterations of soundtrack mods for Vice's civs, but music is a QoL thing that's a long way out still - first things first, the modspack content itself has to be stable and distributable.

Current Trainers: Civilization V DX11-DX9 V1.0.3.279 Trainer +8 Civilization V Gods And Kings DX11-DX9 V1.0.3.279 Trainer +8 Civilization V Brave New World. Although no actual cheat mode is available, there is a trainer tool for Civilization V which enables the user to enjoy a variety of enhancements and advantages while playing the game. If you're finding the going tough and have decided to opt for some Civ V cheats, then you might also be interested in the 'map reveal' option, and details of both choices are explained here. Click on the link for the version of the nq mod you wish to download. Press download on the next page. Find your download and extract it to somewhere memorable. Copy the extracted folder. Find the Civ 5 DLC folder usually found at C: Program Files (x86) Steam SteamApps common Side Meier’s Civilization V DLC.

It's awesome to hear that my mods work in multiplayer for the most part. I wanted to chime in with a few notes:. The next Rebellion Civpack update will use Game:IsNetworkMultiPlayer in UMadoka's trait script to automatically switch between the more MP-friendly GameEvents.PlayerDoTurn and the closer-to-instant-that-I-want Events.ActivePlayerTurnEnd depending on whether or not the game is a MP game. (But now that I think about it, I might could actually use GameEvents.CanSaveUnit and.really. make it pop instantly like it does with DLL VMC. Will need to play around with it.). Saints, MSF Subsistence, and Gilgamesh will be getting versions of their Missions which use DLL VMC's integrated mission support, as I get around to SQLizing/Decisionizing/YNAEMPizing them.

They'll dynamically choose between the DLL VMC implementation and the Lua-only implementation depending on whether or not DLL VMC is active. (Probably not a good idea to make it check the mod ID, since technically no mods are active in an MP game, so I'll probably make it check for the existence of the CustomModOptions table.) The Saints should be done by Sunday night; the others will take longer. I'm glad to hear about your discovery of disabling antivirus programs to make the process take less than a minute. That was the issue keeping me from attempting MP compilations of my own.And a few questions:.

Does Homura's Time Stop work in a multiplayer environment? From how I've coded things, I would think that if playing simultaneous turns mode, that the movement freeze wouldn't kick in until the next turn. Any bizarre issues when Nanoha digs up a Logia? I had to really dance around things to make that system work. Click to expand.Hmm, the button for building ruins is missing from my SP version too, and what's also odd is, while the Lost Logia team shows up the Units Table in my game database, it doesn't show up as being able to build and archaeology site in the UnitBuilds table, even though I see it explicitly in the sql. Hmm.(Also, desync doesn't happen until the turn after the turn timestop is used, which is how we can see units in different places while being supposedly in the same game. Also, we haven't tried seeing if timestop works on non-allied human players, but I'm guessing it doesn't)EDIT: Okay, something else is going on with Nanoha.

Even in a non-DLC pack, normal mod game with Nanoha as the ONLY mod.I still can't use the lost logia containment team on an antiquity site. Uh.I can try to redownload it later, I suppose. Database.log and lua.log are unrevealing. The game database has a UNITLOSTLOGIATEAM, but no entry for it in UNITBUILDS.Actually, every single thing from NanohaUnit.sql from UnitGameplay2DScripts on is missing.I think I know why. The sql file is trying to edit the 'Promotions' table.but there is no Promotions table.

I think it means UnitPromotions.Will edit line, report back.EDIT2: Yep, changing it from Promotions to UnitPromotions fixes the unit. Will try to hook someone into trying multiplayer now.EDIT3: Also, the turn after you use Homura timestop is actually kind of funny.Homura's perspective. Click to expand.Me and a buddy now have the game working almost just how we want it to in multiplayer. We are still having issues with some mods however. The above solution worked for some stuff, but in all honesty, not very many mods had that setting at '0' in the.modinfo file.Has anyone gotten MPMPM to work with those 'Colonialist Legacies' civs without producing that error? Specifically Australia and Blackfoot, but any others would be nice.I mention it because just as I was about to simply accept that 'they just don't work', I saw some mention of it in the original thread and then saw that Gedemon repsonded to a question with a question and then didn't seem to go back to the thread to continue the discussion for whatever reason.

Me and a buddy now have the game working almost just how we want it to in multiplayer. We are still having issues with some mods however. The above solution worked for some stuff, but in all honesty, not very many mods had that setting at '0' in the.modinfo file.Has anyone gotten MPMPM to work with those 'Colonialist Legacies' civs without producing that error? Specifically Australia and Blackfoot, but any others would be nice.I mention it because just as I was about to simply accept that 'they just don't work', I saw some mention of it in the original thread and then saw that Gedemon repsonded to a question with a question and then didn't seem to go back to the thread to continue the discussion for whatever reason. Hi,i tried to create a own MP-Modpack but i still can´t get it work.Every try i stuck at the point CreateMP.I get this error as described here:Problem 3: Trying to run CreateMP gives 'attempt to call field 'DeleteMPMP' (a nil value)'. There is a dll mod included in the set of mods.Possible Solution 3: Ensure that your dll mod has 'CvGameCoreExpansion2.dll' temporarily removed.

If the error still occurs, open the.modinfo for the dll mod and temporarily remove the following line (YOURS WILL BE DIFFERENT):But i have no dll-Mod and in the.modinfo there are also no dll-files to be loaded.I also tried only to activate MPMPM, and even then i get the same error when i enter CreateMP.So what i´m doing wrong? Creating a totally blank MPMODSPACK defeats the purpose of MPMPM, but if you're getting the Nil Value error instead of a 'no mods' or 'invalid pattern capture' error, and also doing so even when you're not loading any DLL-dependent mods.hmmm.Hop into (user)/Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/cache and delete Civ5ModsDatabase.db. There could be cache data from previous activation of a DLL-dependent mod mucking things up. (This also has the side-effect of making CiV reload your subscribed mods next time you open the mod menu, in case there's any problems that can be fixed by iterative tweaking.). This post is intended to include tips for modders who want their mods to be as multiplayer compatible as possible.1. Make sure your namespace is uniqueWhile not a problem in normal mods, in dlcs civ 5 only expects there to be one copy of any given xml file. If two files have the same name, it will use the most recently loaded one.

Multiplayer mods civ 5

Thus, DO NOT name any of your xml files something vague like Civ5Units.xml or Civ5Buildings.xml, because it may override something in the base game or another mod. Instead be scrupulous about naming your xml files something distinction. For example, if you're adding a civ called MyCiv, I recommend you name all your xml files xmlfileMyCiv.xml.This also applies to lua functions. While the civ 5 lua does have separated scopes for functions, it is generally much safer to name your lua function MyCivFunction instead of just Function, because of the risk that some other mod or the game itself uses a function with the same name.(Of course, if you intend to override a lua function, then that's something else.)2.

Make your lua functions as deterministic as possibleIn Civ 5 multiplayer, only dll functions can be executed such that they affect all players at once. Lua functions execute locally.

That means, if player 1 has something different happen from player 2, it will cause a desync. In practice, this means:Random values should be generated in a way that is deterministic for all players (In practice, this means call Game.rand, which uses the map seed, and not lua's math.random).Lua functions should, as much as possible, fire at the same time for all players.Lua functions should always run for all players, every time.Lua functions that run at the beginning of the turn generally work; those that run at the end of a turn generally don't.One common offender in this regard is custom UI 'decision' popups. There is currently no straightforward way of making sure that a decision transmitted by one player is transmitted to the others. One major workaround for writing custom lua to transmit information between players is:, which I highly recommend, but does involve good familiarity with lua.3. Code efficiently!The slower the code, the more likely different players will run them at slightly different speeds, triggering a desync.To give one specific example of an optimization that is not usually thought of: A common type of lua script runs at the beginning of a new turn, to execute the trait of some civilization. In a modpack with 20 civs, if every mod runs a script at the beginning of the turn, this can substantially increase turn times and cause desyncs. Simply add lua code so that scripts that do not need to run if your civ isn't actually in the game don't even get included if your civ isn't in the game.

This can be done by doing (for example). Code: function CthulhuCivStartfor , player in pairs(Players) doif player:IsEverAlive thenif(player:GetCivilizationType GameInfoTypes'CIVILIZATIONRLYEH') thenGameEvents.PlayerDoTurn.Add(CthulhuReplaceHolySites)GameEvents.PlayerDoTurn.Add(CthulhuScienceFromFaith)endendendendEvents.SequenceGameInitComplete.Add(CthulhuStart)so that at the beginning of the game, this function checks for if Cthulhu is actually in the game, and only adds CthulhuReplaceHolySites and CthulhuScienceFromFaith if he is.4. Dependency AwarenessThis isn't multiplayer specific, but can address odd/puzzling issues that crop when mods that are dependent on more than one other mod work only some of the time (when loaded from the mods menu) and also causes the MPMPM maker to make a working modpack only some of the time. I'll let whoward explain it for me:This is something to be aware of if you're making a mod that relies on several other mods to work. Click to expand.They can, but you have to do it the right way. Do not use the Lua math.random function - the number generated will be local to your machine and it will cause numerous problems.

The game has a function called Game.Rand which uses the map's random seed to generate the number, which should provide the same result to all players. Always use that.I think I've come up with a workaround to the Time Stop hokeyness. If I make the UI button spawn a dummy unit, immediately kill it, then make the actual Time Stop function trigger via a GameEvents.CanSaveUnit call once that unit dies, it should prevent the desyncs. Anything called through GameEvents should prevent desyncs in most cases.

Multiplayer Mods Civ 5 Pc

(In WFTW, I'll also need to do this for the Pleiades and their monstrosity of a UA.). They can, but you have to do it the right way. Do not use the Lua math.random function - the number generated will be local to your machine and it will cause numerous problems.

Good multiplayer civ 5 mods

The game has a function called Game.Rand which uses the map's random seed to generate the number, which should provide the same result to all players. Always use that.I think I've come up with a workaround to the Time Stop hokeyness. If I make the UI button spawn a dummy unit, immediately kill it, then make the actual Time Stop function trigger via a GameEvents.CanSaveUnit call once that unit dies, it should prevent the desyncs. Anything called through GameEvents should prevent desyncs in most cases. (In WFTW, I'll also need to do this for the Pleiades and their monstrosity of a UA.).

Multiplayer Mods Civ 5

It's a Brave New World for Civilization V, and a brave new world for Civ V mods. We've gone through our and tested from the Steam Workshop for 2014 compatibility and freshness, while at the same time adding new mods that caught our eye or won the community's favor. As with all mods, compatibility can depend on a lot of factors. Our setup includes both major expansions of Civ V—Gods and Kings as well as Brave New World.The best Civ mods range from total conversions—transforming historical Earth into the world of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire or Elder Scrolls' Tamriel—to tools that improve AI or tweak animations.Here are the 15 best Civilization V mods, broken up into three helpful categories. Page 1: Utilities and interface tweaks. Page 2: Graphics mods.

Page 3: Gameplay and total conversion modsUtilities and interface tweaksCommunitas AI and ToolsWith the goal of making Civ V's AI “smarter, not harder,” the sets a base for other mods like the Communitas Enhanced Gameplay mod outlined below, which I ran paired with the CAT mod for best results. Probably the most useful and noticeable change the AI and Tools mod brings is a new analysis of tech trees. Once enabled, new “good for” tooltips pop up to give players a way to of information at once, saving time in the race to out-build your opponents.For troubleshooting on the Communitas mods, be sure to check out the.Really Advanced SetupFor the detail-oriented world builder, the Really Advanced Setup mod includes the standard suite of options when starting a new game, plus a new group of variables that makes setting up as granular a process as you could want. These include options to tinker with starting units and gold bonuses as well as terrain features that let you control what kind of region your settler spawns in. Get the mod at the Steam Workshop.PerfectWorld3This mod brings an additional map option into the setup menu which features a more naturalistic appearance, altered river placement, and craggier mountains. Although it was uploaded to the by a third-party instead of its original creator, the mod functions well and gives you a unique visual update to Civ V's geography.City LimitsSince all worthy empires begin with just a city or two, it's worth it to know as much as possible before founding a new settlement. City Limits, by selecting either a city or a settler, shows you the potential borders of every new urban landscape as you plot the most efficient takeover of the known world.

Get it.Faster Aircraft AnimationsA small tweak, but one that can save you time over the long haul if you want a little more sonic boom from your flight tech. Available on.InfoAddictEven in Civ V, sometimes all you want—or need—is just a bit more information before making your next move. InfoAddict will graph all kinds of data for you over time, with an interface that's unobtrusive but also there when you need it. It tracks things like military power, cultural development and international relations in a way that's quickly readable and informative. There's a version for the, as well as a and one for just.