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  1. Installing Loot With Mod Organizer

Mod Organizer is an advanced mod manager for 'Skyrim,' 'Fallout 3,' 'Fallout New Vegas,' and 'Oblivion.' It installs mods separately to keep your game folder clean and allow for easy mod removal. It detects conflicts, checks load order, and much more.

LOOT is not working with a specific Mod Manager. Be sure that your mod manager is actually in a full release state. Mod Organizer (the original), Nexus Mod Manager and Wrye Bash all provide proper functionality regarding LOOT but users of newer and untested versions may need wait until the managers author’s fix some issues. The Load Order Optimisation Tool (LOOT) can help with that, by providing automated load order sorting that's simple to use and fully customisable. While sorting, LOOT checks for load order errors (such as incompatibilities and missing requirements) and notifies you of any issues that it detects.


Hello friends,I can't get the loot application to run through mod organizer; I add the binary like I do with the rest of the utilities for skyrim (tes5, wyre bash, etc.) but when I run loot, I'll see the 'mod organizer is locked' pop up for a couple seconds, and then it just closes and unlocks mod organizer again, like LOOT never even tried to load. Now all the rest of the applications I've added to MO run just fine, and loot works fine when I run it outside of MO. I can also use the 'sort plugins' in MO and that works fine, but I can't see any dirty plugins unless I run the actual loot application.I have all my gaming folders and tools installed to an ssd so I tried moving loot around to different folders, including the actual skyrim game folder, but it still won't run through MO. I disabled my active plugins and load order to see if it could pick it up then but no luck. I disabled antivirus and had no luck.

Both mod organizer and loot are the latest versions.I'd like to think I'm pretty familiar with skyrim folders and modding by now, so I'm confident I have everything installed correctly, however I just returned from a month's absence from modding because I upgraded my computer and OS. I backed up my mod downloads and reinstalled everything from scratch. Could I be missing something that's causing loot to not run through MO, or is this another problem entirely? I've looked all over the web for this but I've found no answers.


Everything else seems to be working just fine. I'm running windows 7 pro.thank you for any help. I copied the loot folder from%localappdata% into windows explorer but it didn't fix it. Loot runs perfect outside of mod organizer, i've never had problems with it before either. Here is the dump txt loot makes after crashing from MO:Crash Dump Analysis provided by OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

IntroductionLOOT is a plugin load order optimiser for TES IV: Oblivion, TES V: Skyrim, TES V: Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim VR, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 4 VR. It is designed to assist mod users in avoiding detrimental conflicts, by automatically calculating a load order that satisfies all plugin dependencies and maximises each plugin’s impact on the user’s game.LOOT also provides some load order error checking, including checks for requirements, incompatibilities and cyclic dependencies. In addition, it provides a large number of plugin-specific usage notes, bug warnings and Bash Tag suggestions for Wrye Bash.While LOOT is able to calculate correct load order positions for the vast majority of plugins using only their content, it cannot do so for all plugins.

Installing Loot With Mod Organizer

As such, LOOT provides a mechanism for supplying additional plugin metadata so that it may sort them correctly. An online masterlist is provided to supply metadata for many plugins that need it, while users can make their own metadata additions, which are saved in their userlist.LOOT is intended to make using mods easier, and mod users should still possess a working knowledge of mod load ordering.

See for an overview.