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To get this achievement you have to reach the beginning of act 2, once you meet the Enchantress and complete the quest with her she will give you an option that she will join you. There can only be 1 companion following you so if you accept the companion that already is with you will go back to town. Don't worry if you ever decline them to join you, they are always in the town of what ever act you are on.To get this achievement you just have to have all of them join you at 1 point.

This is missable as you can decline them to follow you, but you can always get this achievement if you are already past the first area in Act 2, you can just go into town and recruit all of them by talking to them(A button) then Y for them to join, just do it for all 3. Once all 3 have joined you separately you will unlock the achievement.Templar- Right before fighting the first actual bossScoundrel- Right after saving some people from banditsEnchantress- Right in the beginning of act 2, finish the quest with her and then you gain her as a companionVideo by 360GameTv.

Dear Bizzard, I only want the stash tab. No further ambition. So you force me to play season. Worked last season.

This time, I'm still missing one conquest. And now you make me look at a loading screen 50 times to find the one and only chest where I might have a chance to kill the 350 required monster in time. And that's what I've been doing the last 5 days. EVERY SINGLE DAY. And then, when I find it, I unfortunately only manage around 325 kills with the only crusader build I can think of that is not LoN based and might do the job (Blessed Shield Akkhans). Unfortunately no clan, no group and only one online friend who is further behind. One day I was even in the community chat, asking, crying begging for help for hours until one compasionate Plvl1000+ monk came for help.

I rejoiced, but only for a moment until we only managed 314 together. My fault I guess, not his (I think Blessd Shield damage goes down a lot if the monsters die during the ricochet). Long story short.

As far as I'm concerned you can shove this stupid conquest up to some place where there is no light. And that's it. I'm not sure which conquests you've done so far. With my Helltooth WD I can just do GR74 solo (with follower) (I was stuck in the high 60s until I reforged my ceromonial knife and it turned out semi-decent ancient legendry). The first conquest I did was to level three legendry gems to level 65.

I did have a few failures to level up the gem (even at 90% I had failures). I'm not sure what level GR you're running as the highest gem on your Crusader is 50 - depending on which level you can get to you can upgrade those. Even if you have to join groups.to play hgher GRs - there are various communities that have GR level groupings that yo umay find useful.

I was looking to the so GR75 solo but I think I'm stuck where I am for the moment. I've been doing public TX rifts in the hope that one will be completed inside the 2 minutes. I'm not going to be able to do the 350 kills as I usually play solo.

  • Diablo 3 conquest guides. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Sign in anonymously.
  • A Second Chance. While it is by far the best and most secure way of getting the Curses conquest done, the Cursed Peat can be a chore to track down. If you want to have a backup plan, consider quickly looking at the map for the Cursed Bellows event in Act I, Halls of Agony level 3.

I laso find that the monsters don't appear quick enough for me to kill that many of them. On Sunday I played a number of public TX rifts and in one group we managed to clear it. Two players were able to move around quite fast and kill monsters and there were two slower movers who cleaned up and killed off any monsters left from mobs. I did pick up the loot from the guardian before going back to town to complete the rift and depsite doing that we managed it after two or three attempts - I did not tell the other players I was trying to do that. I did thank them though and it turned out one of the other players had also not done that conquest yet and we both unlocked that stash tab. So, don't give up yet - there may be other ways to get that conquest and unlock the stash tab.

There is still time! Thanks for the moral support!! I must admit I'm getting a bit frustrated here. I'm only missing this last conquest. I also tried the speed rift, but my personal record is 3.5 min. For the GRIFTS I've hit the sonic wall at lvl 70 with invoker. Im trying to level up more gems now to get augments in the hope to push further (but that is also a bit boring in season, where you cannot switch toons).

Diablo 3: Season 16 Journey Tracker Conquests Rifts Solo GRs Bosses Cube Artisans Leg. Gems Ubers Kadala Bounties Set dungeons Misc List of conquests in Season 16.

For all the other conquest I think I need help, and I have a bit of a trouble asking strangers for their time. That's also the advantage of the 350+ chest.

Once I've found it I can scream for help and it only takes 5 minutes for a player to do it. If I ask for help for the 2 min rift we need to clear several ones until we find a good open map. Maybe the advice about joining public rift games could work. Will try that.

The only public games I usually join are bounty games. I think it was much easier in season 5 for a solo player (at least as long as one is not a demon hunter), Avarice was quite doable with some preparation and the GRIFT45 without set item also.

But this season it really sucks! Thanks again! The build I currently running (Blessed shield akkahns) is for speed farming and leveling gems up to 40.

For pushing GRIFTS I have invoker with 3 lvl 67 gems (which was also my first conquest). PSS: That reminds me of one more thing. Is there any community chat people can recommend, where underpowered and desperate casual players like me can ask for help? If you can do level 70 Grifts you should be able to get three gems to level 65 - maybe you will fail on some of the higher rolls a number of times but if you get there the pain is not that bad. For me personally, that was one of the easier conquests.

I tihnk the higher those gems get the easier some things are (getting higher gritfs). A lot also depends on getting the right gear drops. Last season I was lucky enough to get a couple of decent ancient legendry items and used the cube to put level 50+ gems in there.

Again, that gives you a boost to what you can achieve. Sometimes, the small increases can make the difference. At present I must hsay I've not had the luck this season with the gear drops. But I'm fairly sure that if I play enough at high grifts the gear will drop or I'll be able to reforge some items. I don't think the D3 community is that bad as quite often I've found other players very helpful and in turn I've helped others.

It does get boring if all you're doing is carrying after a while though. Once you get to a certain level TX rifts are quite easy and having a player who is not that well geared is not really that much of an inconvenience. In public rifts so long as you contribute something the group does not seem to mind. If players are dieing as soon as they see a mob or just hide back at the base they will probably get kicked. If you get a public group where some players speed off into the distance you can contribute by clearing up the trash that is left or even picking up some of the progress globes that haven't been picked up. My WD is fairly slow (well compared to some builds) so I do struggle to keep up - but I can easily kill off mobs and have no toruble with any elites or champions the 'speeders' have left behind.

The main thing to keep in ind is the RNG factor in the grits - you may be unlucky and get one grift that is a complete nightmare and you will struggle to clear it in time well under the level you can usually handle. Don;t forget that the advantage of a public rift is that you wil be able to get more rift keystones - that comes in handy when leveling gems.

Also - don't forget to do some empowered rifts to speed up that gem leveling at some levels of grift. I think I was spending 120M on low 60s grifts just for that additional chance to upgrade a gem. I think you're referring to a community rather than community chat. I'm afraid I can't help there. There may be some loot share for crusaders though. I have done this achievement on a witch doctor as well.

Here's what I did: I reloaded the game until I found act 5 Path of the Drowned cursed chest. Then I joined as many communities I could related to my conquest (mainly keywords like: seasonal, hardcore, rift, boost, key, greater rift etc.) and have written the same message on each every minute for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile people answered and I found 3 other people (of course, my message would contain the information that I have already found the chest, which is very useful in motivating people to join you). I didn't start until I found all 3 of them, to ensure best chance of success. And it was a success!

Hope this helps! I did crusader this season too. I was stuck for the second conquest for a long time also because I only play solo. First conquest was of course 3 level 65 gems, and was thinking level 75 solo grift would be the easiest second but could never get past 71-ish.

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On a whim I decided to try the bosses conquest and did it in one try. Just get swift mount in cube, with the passive that reduces its cooldown for 25%, the rune that extends it to 3 seconds and you can just use it all the time. If you get a bit lucky to get quests for malthael or urzael and diablo and butcher it should be easy as hell.

Thanks a lot again for all the hints. Learned now that I can keyword search for communities:). Also tried the bosses run following the guide in But my first try with perma steed charge still took me almost 25 min. No quest markers for most bosses, so a lot of searching.

Kill speed was fine though. Dakota and Curumo, thanks a lot for your offer I'll gladly add you to my list and if you see me online and have some time to spare I'll welcome any help with the 2 min rifts!!! The final update! I'v just got my stash tab!!!

Diablo 3 Conquista 350 Reviews

Just came home from shopping, game still running and some holy soul with the name HeliosForce1 invited me to a party. Must have either read my mind or this thread. So I ended up in a party with two UE-demon hunters, which were already standing in front of the chest. And this time it was a breeze. Actually I think I didn't contribute too much since my blessed shields were probably mostly dying midway.

Diablo 3 Conquista 350Diablo 3 Conquista 350

But we got it. So thanks to everybody offering help and special thanks to HeliosForce1 and Trekdar and I can finally sort in all the stuff from season5 that is still waiting in my mailbox:):):).