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Laghu Nariyal Pooja Vidhi

Laghu Coconut (Shrifal) Laghu Coconut is a very small coconut, the size of a betel nut with three eyes, and is very rarely found. Shri Phal or Srifal or Laghu Ccoconut is known as the giver of Lakshmi.It bestows wealth and all comfort of life. Laghu Coconut shall be kept on white cloth in Puja. Tantrok Laghu Nariyal (Small Coconut) or Mini Puja Coconut Nariyal. Nariyal (coconut) is found at sea-shore. Aoe rise of rajas. It is very small in shape. It is rare and very much effective. In look it is very small but used in various types of flicks or totkas. It has the power to protect from shani saade saati, in pregnancy, grief and many other sufferings.

Laghu Nariyal Puja Vidhi In Hindi


Sri Vidya laghu PoojaIn the Upasana, Pooja is the prominent means of worship. 'Sri Vidya Pooja', is the Devi Upasana.

In Sri Vidya, the main deity adored as absolute and transcendent reality is Mahasakthi, the universal mother. Sri Vidya is the synonym of Brahmavidya or Paravidya. Sri Vidya Mantras Panchadasi, Shodasi vibrat towards the Goddess. In Sri Vidya Pooja, the most important forms of yoga meet. The greatest contribution of Sri Vidya is Laya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga and is the true and unique matrix (source) of great evolutionary SYSTEM.

Laghu Nariyal Pooja Vidhi

Laghu Nariyal Pooja Vidhi Video

In that process of cosmic evolution, mahasakthi evolves in different and consecutive phases as Kala, Bindu and Nada. The awakening of Kundalini is made possible with Sri Vidya Mantras. The transmission of that knowledge is preserved in the guru parampara tradition. It is imperative that the aspirant should get initiation of this Mantra from a Guru.The Sri Vidya Mantras: ka e I ha hrim-ha SA ka ha hrim-sa ka la hirm' is the kadi vidya mantra with three components kutas viz, vagbhava, kamaraja, saktikuta. Each of these kutas is the subtle form of one of the three sounds of the cosmic, all pervading sound AUM; each of the kutas has its own associated siddhi, or power, granted to a devotee who practices japa or repetition. The Vagbhava confers mastery of speech; the kamaraja grants tejas (splendor) the saktikuta grants the siddhi of enticing the three words.