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Follow me on Twitter!-PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE WATCHING-.It is important to note the opinions expressed in this video are my own. If you disagree, that's fine. Just try and keep the comments under control.Continuing my series of pitting one game against another, we put Oblivion and Skyrim against each other. We break it down into several categories and I talk about the differences and which ones I prefer.

Well i figured this one out long ago. Skyrim's world map is about four in-game mile's smaller in both length and hieght than oblivion's. Oblivion's world map was about twenty mile's in length and hieght in the game and skyrim's is 16 in both length and hieght. Its sort of like that in every TES game. Smaller world map's, more quests and hand holding, that sort of thing. I hope they make a huge.

Oblivion Map Vs Skyrim Map Cheats

I will need to do a part 2 of this one. These games are so big and expansive that there's so many specific categories I could have used.Its also important to note, that SOME of the categories feature gameplay relevant to what's actually being talked about, but in probably 50% of the footage, it is just me dinking around. In the last 2 categories, I just go on a random unarmed killing spree in Oblivion and Skyrim, being sneaky and using my fists/aarows.After comparing each individual category, at the end of the video I tell you which game I would play if I had to choose between the two.Whether or not you agree with my decision, I'd appreciate it if you left a like rating below. And subscribed if you're new. A lot of work goes into making these videos, probably 10-15, including recording, re-recording (voice and gameplay), and all the editing and rendering. Any support is appreciated.Other then that, I hope you guys enjoy, and feel free to comment as the video plays. I'd also love to hear your suggestions for future VS videos, or anything else you'd like to say.

Oblivion Game Map

Thanks everyone!