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You can now type commands into your console menu. Here is an overview of the most helpful commands. Remember, to activate your console menu, simply press tilde.Godmode:As the name suggests, this command will make you completely invincible.

The only things that will be able to harm you are falling out-of-bounds, or using the kill command. To activate, enter 'god' into your console menu. You should see a message saying 'godmode ON'.

You will never fear sentry turrets or Tentacles again.-Impulse 101:This command will likely become your best friend. It will equip you with every weapon in the game (yes, you read that right), it will equip your HEV suit (PCV in Opposing Force, guard armor in Blue Shift) if you're not already wearing it, it will add 15% to your suit power (armor integrity in Blue Shift), and it will give you some ammo for all your weapons. To activate, enter 'impulse 101' into your console menu.

Avoid using this when in a moving vehicle, such as a train or elevator, as it may cause you to take damage, or cause the vehicle to stop.-NoTarget:This command will cause all hostile entities (aliens, marines, etc) except for Tentacles to become passive towards you. They will not attack you, even if you attack them. They will still attack NPCs, however. To activate, enter 'notarget' into your console menu.

Half Life Source Xen Walkthrough

19) Walk over to the catwalk and use the elevator button. Once on the elevator, use the button inside to start it up. The elevator will malfunction and stop half way (or so) up the shaft. As soon as it does, jump off and grab the ladder on the wall to your left. This article describes the Half-Life storyline, chapter by chapter. Gameplay tactics and walkthrough information should not be included, unless they are related to the plot. This article has yet to be cleaned up to a higher standard of quality. You can help by correcting spelling and grammar, removing factual errors. This page contains Half-Life: Source cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. This game has been made by Valve Software and published by Valve Software at Jun 04, 2004.

You should see a message saying 'notarget ON'.-NoClip:You may have heard of this one, but if not, here's what it does. You will be able to fly, unaffected by gravity and physics. You will also be able to phase through solid objects.

To activate, enter 'noclip' into your console menu. You should see a message saying 'noclip ON'. Control it like you would if you were swimming.-Spawning items:You'll need to know the name of the item in question for this to work. Type 'give item' with the item name included.

Half life source xen walkthrough

Examples include 'give itemhealthkit' for a health pack, or 'give itemlongjump' for the Long Jump Module. This is handy for items that aren't provided by Impulse 101.All 'mode cheats' (godmode, noclip, notarget, etc) are disabled the same way they are activated. As mentioned before, do not use Impulse 101 when in a moving vehicle/elevator, as it might stop, or you might take damage.Do not use Impulse 101 in a part of the game before you get your respective suit on, as it may prevent you from progressing.Do not NoClip into areas where you're not supposed to be. There may be consequences. Such consequences include, but are not limited to: Getting lost, accidentally skipping parts of the game, crashing the game, and killing yourself.Finally, I'd recommend only using the 'kill' command if you've somehow gotten yourself stuck. This can be rectified by simply loading an earlier save, but hey, it's your party.

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Useful ResourcesHalf-Life Websites. Now I was just a couple years old in '98, so I never played HL1 when it came out, my first was HL2. I recently played a bit of HL, and found it unplayable. But I'm now playing HL:S, and its one of the greatest games I've played. The graphics are no problem, though it is a little weird playing low red graphics with HD water and sky.I think the reason I had such a big difference between the two was the physics engine of Source. Im just too used to the fluid control.

Has anyone had the same experience?. Half-Life: Source is vastly inferior to the original Half-Life as it is fundamentally broken in virtually every way which you can imagine, physics (player movement and the superfluous ragdoll objects) included. The textures, map lighting, animations (many play at incorrect speeds, some don't play at all), sounds, AI, scripting, hit boxes, weapon damage, and so much more were all broken during the porting process.


Source's default player physics, in particular, were barely tuned to accommodate Half-Life's gameplay, allowing a great deal of map breaking with trivial effort that would not have been possible in GoldSrc.