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  1. Civ 5 Multiplayer Hacks

In Civilization V, the player leads a civilization from prehistoric times into the future on a procedurally generated map, attempting to achieve one of a number of different victory conditions through research, exploration, diplomacy, expansion, economic development, government and military conquest. Civilization V multiplayer AI is a dumbed down version For some reason the Civilization V multiplayer AI is essentially a dumbed-down version of the single player AI. Not only do they never suggest trades, they are actually more passive in general.

GUIDE TO CIVILIZATION V MULTIPLAYERThe CIV V MP scene is growing. There are players who have dedicated a lot of time playing single player games and would like to try out multiplayer as well as players who just bought a copy of CIV V and wants to get started playing multiplayer right away. The new player of course has a lot of questions, both general game related ones as well as for multiplayer in particular but even for the experienced single player a lot of things are new and different in multiplayer.Because of that, I feel a guide that answers the most commonly asked questions about CIV V multiplayer and gives some info on how and where to get started might be of help. The aim of this guide is to be impartial and rather give information regarding how things work and where to find stuff then trying to sort out what is better or worse.If you have any input/objection/suggestion regarding the content please PM me or post a reply and I will look into it. The goal is simply to help players new to CIV V MP Get the most out of their game experience regardless of game style and preferences.I have divided this guide into different sections:CONTENT1. INTRODUCTIONBackground and overview of the guide content.2. PUBLIC LOBBY & STEAMDescription of the public lobby and how it works (the built in lobby) and how steam friendlist, groups and some steam settings work.3.

Is civ 5 multiplayer game

CIV V MP groupsA guide to some of the bigger CIV V multiplayer communities and steam groups.4. COMMON CIV V MP Game typesDescription of different game setups commonly played in the CIV V MP community.5. MULTIPLAYER TOOLSTools that might be useful to get the most out of your multiplayer experience.6. GENERAL ADVICETips and hints both for multiplayer in particular but also for CIV in general.7. FAQWell, frequently asked questions8. LINKSExternal resources that might be of help and/or interest for people playing CIV V MP.9.

ARTICLE INDEXLinks to threads regarding Multiplayer strategy, technical issues specific to multiplayer etc.10. CREDITS1 INTRODUCTIONAfter having started CIV V and choseing multiplayer the game lobby might be empty of games or have very few games to choose from. The reason for this is that CIV V only shows games in the area of the chosen server in downloads and cloud in the steam settings.

Therefore you might see only a fraction of the games hosted depending on what server you have chosen in the steam settings.When hosting a game there is also a checkbox for private games. Click to expand.I have to say that all thought that is a short and very informative guide it might leave room for some questions.Like what chat rooms?Do I have to be pro gamer to join those chatrooms? Might be good to put some info here on teamspeak and other voice servers since they are commonly used by 2vs2 and 3vs3 players at higher levels.steam also got ingame voice chat but might not work well all the time and occations.Anyonoe care to write something about it?

Otherwise I ll try to get time to. Well done on the post. You're right to say this was needed.

It's exactly what I was looking for. I'm surprised there's no stickie on this subject anywhere.I've registered with civplayers, on your advice. It looks like a great site. I'm also already a member of the noquitters group. But neither seems to have a guide for new players.

Civ 5 Multiplayer Hacks

If this is not the most suitable repository for such a guide then where is?A few questions though. Although an experienced Civ player I've never played Mp and am concerned about the playing in real time or playing with a clock. Does it make a big difference and what are the common settings.I'm an Immortal player, although I only recently moved from Prince, that's largely to Civfanatics.

At what level are multiplayers in general? May I choose play against players of similar ability?Also, can you give a sense of the texture of a MP game? Do players go for one or two victory types, how long do they take, is there much interaction. I'm trying to listen to the Turncast webcast's but it would help to have abetter sense of context without yet being an MP player.It seems to me there is a pretty amazing spirit of direct assistance, which I also hope to avail of. It's just I'd like to get up to speed as much as possible myself before taking up somebody else's time.Rockflake. Click to expand.I think the problem with creating such a guide is that MP changes so quickly that any guide we make would be out of date quickly.

I have not been a new MP player since Civ2 Multiplayer Gold Edition came out, and what I remember from back then is I did a fair bit of internet searches, was a regular member of the then young Apolyton Fan Site, and discovered that the MS Gaming Zone was the place to play MP Civ2 at the time. From there I simply headed to the Civ2 lobby and chatted with other players and we figured out how to play and what settings we liked.The same thing happened when Civ3 Play the World came out, only this time with Gamespy providing the lobby, and the same with Civ4, Civ5 of course now uses Steam. So the tools have changed but the human factor has not, and it is the human factor that is constantly changing and hard to define in writing.But if you care to take the time to make a list of what you as a SP player/New MP player is looking for in a detailed guide I will look at what we can do to make something that will work for future new MP players.CS. Click to expand.Thank you CanuckSoldier. That's very good of you.

Here are a few of the questions I have. How does the gameplay differ from SP Games? What types of victory conditions do people generally go for?. How considerate are existing players to newbies?. How long does a game take? I gather than one of the issues is that many newbies quit. I won't, but I want to know I am getting in for in advance.

Do I need to play faster? After 25 years of playing on my own, usually with a beer in hand, I suspect I have a slow style. How quickly do MP players play?. Are existing players more welcoming of players who favour particular styles?

Are warmongers/culturalists more or less sought after, or does it make a difference?. It seems from what I read that the best way to move forward is to apprentice yourself out. Sounds like a great idea. Are training games common? What are they like?. At what equivalent SP level are existing players in the community.

I'd feel more comfortable knowing whether I am facing into a gang of Deities or settlers. If you're a complete newbie looking for a game, where do you go. I think KM answered this well. Did he?.

It would also be useful to have a little narrative from an experienced MP player on their own transition and what struck them as being different. Finally, is there a way I can take my existing SP results to see how I would fare in an MP game.Rockflake.How does the gameplay differ from SP Games?Most people chose 'quick' not 'standard.' Gold is harder to come by, the other players won't trade any to you. If you don't have an adequate army you could be conquored before move 40 because players look at the demographics screen to see who is weak.How considerate are existing players to newbies?They generally won't know you are a newbie unless you tell them.

However, calling others 'noob' as an insult is common, I see players with 1000 hours logged on calling each other 'noob' all the time!.How long does a game take?Less than 100 turns if there is a good aggressive player on pangea and the rest are unprepared. Over 8 hours if continents and players know how to tech/defend.Do I need to play faster?Turn timer does its job well. A few players are antsy, I just ignore them.Are existing players more welcoming of players who favour particular styles? Are warmongers/culturalists more or less sought after, or does it make a difference?I have logged in over 2,000 hours of MP and seen only ONE cultural victory! I have seen ZERO diplo victories. I have completed dozens of science victories. Mostly it is domination.It seems from what I read that the best way to move forward is to apprentice yourself out.

Sounds like a great idea. Are training games common? What are they like?Just play, and when somebody is winning be polite about it and then and ask them how they are doing it. I find winners will give advice to people they are beating.At what equivalent SP level are existing players in the community. I'd feel more comfortable knowing whether I am facing into a gang of Deities or settlers.Some games will say 'expert only' others say 'beginners.' Host your own game and call it 'beginners.'

I think the problem with creating such a guide is that MP changes so quickly that any guide we make would be out of date quickly. I have not been a new MP player since Civ2 Multiplayer Gold Edition came out, and what I remember from back then is I did a fair bit of internet searches, was a regular member of the then young Apolyton Fan Site, and discovered that the MS Gaming Zone was the place to play MP Civ2 at the time. From there I simply headed to the Civ2 lobby and chatted with other players and we figured out how to play and what settings we liked.The same thing happened when Civ3 Play the World came out, only this time with Gamespy providing the lobby, and the same with Civ4, Civ5 of course now uses Steam.

So the tools have changed but the human factor has not, and it is the human factor that is constantly changing and hard to define in writing.But if you care to take the time to make a list of what you as a SP player/New MP player is looking for in a detailed guide I will look at what we can do to make something that will work for future new MP players.CS. Click to expand.I partly agree but also respectfully disagree.

I agree that MP changes so quickly that any guide we make would be out of date quickly. But I do think that a beginners guide guide is both good to have and possible to keep up to date. It just needs to allways be a work in pogress. It needs to be updated by the players when changes happen.The reason I think a beginners guide is good to have is because all thought the guides at civplayers are good you need to actually know where to look for them and that civplayers excist before you even get that faar. I think there is a need to help SP players that are intrested in MP with the transition. Give them a helping hand where to start looking and what to expect.

Thats why I wrote the guide in the first place.It is good that you can find guides at places like civplayers. Where to get Team Speak, what server to join, games tournaments settings etc. But The forum is the place where people who are intrested in MP mght look first so mabye that info should be here to.And also made in a simple way. Mabye a short description of Teamspeak then a link where to download it and what server to join.A short description of civplayers.


Links to webpage guides etc juts like the ones u posted but aswell a short description of the subject in each guide.All to make it easier for beginners to know where to start. Click to expand.How does the gameplay differ from SP Games? What types of victory conditions do people generally go for?In DUELS and 2vs2, 3vs3 etc. 99% Domination or until one player or team concede.In CTON Turn limited. Highest score by the decided turn when game finish.In CTON no Turn limit. Usually domination or until it is clear what the end resoult will be and the players agree on who the first,second, third etc player will be.In. Usually Domination but also in some cases science.How considerate are existing players to newbies?In general very conciderate but some might not be.

If you play them in a duel or cton/ffa and follow the rules stated for the group you play with people will be conciderate and even give you advice when you loose.When it comes to 2vs2, 3vs3 etc. People might not want to team up with you or if they do and they loose because of you they might not get to happy. That si simply because of that thier ranking depends on not only thier decitions but also yours.A good advice is to practice MP in some free for all games and duels before attempting 2vs2 and also when in a team to follow the advice of more experienced players. If your team mate have been around in the MP community longer then you. Follow his advice on what to do even in situations when you think that you should do things in a different way.How long does a game take? I gather than one of the issues is that many newbies quit.

I won't, but I want to know I am getting in for in advance.Duel takes all between half an hour to 4-5h depending on how equal you are in skill/map etc. Same with 2vs2, 3vs3. Also look at my post in the beginning of the thread regarding game types.Do I need to play faster? After 25 years of playing on my own, usually with a beer in hand, I suspect I have a slow style.

How quickly do MP players play?For high level gameplay yes ou do. At least during wartime. The reason is not becouse the turn timer isnt long enough but because it might be very important in some cases to move before our oponent at the beginning of the turn.Are existing players more welcoming of players who favour particular styles? Are warmongers/culturalists more or less sought after, or does it make a difference?Most MP games. At least on higher levels will requier you to be a 'warmonger' or at least have a big efencive army. If you do not have defence people will attack you.

So well to put it in one way. Culturalists are not more or less sought after than wormongers.

They just wont survive very long.It seems from what I read that the best way to move forward is to apprentice yourself out. Sounds like a great idea. Are training games common?

What are they like?I d say the mostly its learning the hard way. Playing against more experienced players and when you loose ask them politely what you did wrong and what you can improve and then practise the advice (as I think someone allready pointed out).At what equivalent SP level are existing players in the community. I'd feel more comfortable knowing whether I am facing into a gang of Deities or settlers.I think if you look at the community all in all you got everything in between settler and deity. If you look at the top player beating deity is easier then facing them but then it s a lot of more avrage players around aswell as some beginners.If you're a complete newbie looking for a game, where do you go.

I think KM answered this well. Did he?Yeah ty. At least i hope that I helped a little.It would also be useful to have a little narrative from an experienced MP player on their own transition and what struck them as being different.I played very little SP in civ 5 but a lot in civ 4. Think the biggest change when making the transition is that you can get a bit lazy in SP.

That is you find a way to play that works up to some level. Even up to beating diety. And then you do the same thing over and over. Mabye you change tactic a little just to try to get the points up but that is about it.In MP that wont be good enough. The player you face wont do the same mistake over and over and not the same thing game after game even when facing the exact same situation.

You will have to adapt to your oponent. Keep track of what he or she does and incoroporate that in your game strategy.Basicly in SP you can play your game and try to optimize your game. In MP your optimized game is different depending on what your oponent decides to do.Finally, is there a way I can take my existing SP results to see how I would fare in an MP game.Not really.

But a diety player knows the game mecanics and will most probably adapt way faster to MP then say a prince level player. Also FFA on continents, fractal maps and even pangea tend to be a bit more similar to SP play then a duel or 2vs2. So the resoults from SP will be easier to translate into that types of games than to a duel.Best regardsKM. Regarding Team speak:To get the Team Speak client go here and select the type for your system.

Is Civ 5 Multiplayer

(copy paste from civplayers)CanuckSoldier. Is it ok If I post the civplayer server on ts here??Otherwise you can find the information at civplayers.comI find it a bit tricky to find the information on the site but you will have to go to the forum to ths location.Civilization Players Forums » News Boards » Global News » CivPlayers TeamSpeak Server is up and runningCanuck.

Mabye this should be on the frontpage. A link to the info at the right side at the place where the link to steamchat is. Because right now you kind of need to know that it first of all excist a civplayer ts server to start looking for it. That new players by chanse will stumble over the info is a quite slim chanse where its placed right now. Yes it is fine to post the CP Teamspeak info here KM, it is open to everyone that agrees to abide by our chat policies. It is in a stickied thread in the global announcements Yes I agree that a hard coded link to it would be good, but the reason we have not done this is that the current TS server is an interim solution. I'm running it on my always on home server.

But the end solution is for CP to contract a TS server and code it into the web site.I'll post my take on your questions soon as well.CS.