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Red Alert 2 Widescreen
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Red Alert 2 Download Free Full Game

Oct 05, 2018  I was wondering if anyone has been able to get red alert 2 running on the whole screen, because when I play it has black bars on either side of the screen. Its a square aspect ratio it seems and I would like to have it full screen/different aspect. Any thoughts or suggestions? Run it in high resolution. Once Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is installed, running it in high resolution is incredibly easy. Navigate to the game's install directory and open up RA2.ini. In the file, simply set the video ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight attributes to the resolution of your display.

Hi guys, I'm new to this forum so i am not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask this. I downloaded the RA2+Yuri's Revenge (YR) bundle today from origin since it was free and played RA2 without any problems. Today I started YR and choose my faction, so far so good no problems whatsoever that other people were having with the games. Then the first mission loads and the screen goes black. Then it comes back and the screen is pressed against the left with black on the right. I just tried your idea, but I am sad to say it did not work. There was no change.

I am going to try various compatibility modes to see if anything helps.Edit: I jsut tried it any none of them seem to work. I may be changing the setting of the wrong file though, it's hard to see what the executable is when the launcher is seperate. I still changed the settings as per your suggestion to all files I think are executablesEdit2: I am trying to add a screenshot of the game to show every1 what my problem is exactly. I tried to take a screenshot, but for some reason it was not not registering the game as 'on screen' and only took pics of the desktop under it. I decided to upload a picture taken from my phone since it's better than nothing.I think you can see the dimensions of my monitor and the boundaries of the game clearly. Also, the colors are what I am getting.

Red Alert 2 Download Windows 7

They are not an error from the upload or transfer or whatever.Edit 3: the pic seems to be upside down. It is not a problem since I only put it up so yall see what the issue is. By the way, some recent mess with holiday pictures made me figure out what the problem is with that picture being upside down. Whatever camera/phone/ipad you used when taking it. You held it upside down when you took the picture.Seems this saves the image upside down as it was taken, but saves viewing instructions into the file that tell photo viewer apps that to display it, it should be rotated 180 degrees. Chrome seems to obey these instructions, but only when viewing the file as bare image.

When it's embedded on a web page it no longer applies the rotation. That's why it looked odd here.So, long story short. Browser limping behind on evolving technology.

Hi!!This patch REALLY WORKS!!! I've spent the last 3 DAYS scouring the earth for this flipping thing!Thank you so much!!!However I'm experiencing one small issue which is that my background (desktop) is flashing over the game and menus - it's hard to explain, and I've taken hundreds of screenshots but none of them seem to capture this anomaly!My desktop is appearing 'through' my game frequently (at least once every other second then sporadic periods of more) as if trying to break through when you get one of those annoying notifications such as a windows update that minimizes your game. Except there is no update, or anything in the background!Hope someone else knows the fix for this? I've done exactly as instructed?I've Changed the 'DisableHighDpiScaling = 1' from 0 as this helped the issue LOADS (without it the screen must flash about 3-5 times a second) but still it's frequent and rather annoying.It feels like my resolution is battling with something but I can't for the life of me figure it out?Hope you can helpP.S. I know this thread is realllllly old!)))).