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No Jealousy - how to make love triangles work?Based on the description, it seems the reward is actually working as intended. It's just that if that's the case, then the way it was intended is completely idiotic.“You'll never have to deal with the negative effects of other Sims being jealous of you.”In a love triangle, two PCs with No Jealousy don't seem mad at each other. But each time one flirts with a third NPC (who obviously doesn't have any rewards whatsoever), the other gets upset and the relationship to the NPC drops.My face is now sore from the reflexive facepalm. These two each have the Heartbreaker lifetime wish, so I fully expect I will have ripped my hair out by the time they fulfill it.What do I do?

I don't see a “No Jealousy, but for real this time” reward in the list. Above Reproach is ridiculously costly, and it doesn't sound like it would affect romantic interactions at home at all anyway. I've looked around, and the only related mods I could turn up were.

I've already tried the KillAll flavor of the first and it didn't help, and the author of the second specifically stated it doesn't affect jealousy for non-woohoo interactions. I found that with no jealousy LTR, along with Woohooer set to no jealousy in every sub-menu I could locate, my sims can flirt, kiss, and even woohoo with their partner in the same room without any hits to their relationship. If you want a true love triangle, then have all three sims have the No Jealousy LTR, along with the Woohooer settings all adjusted to no jealousy, and leave them alone for a while. They'll work out a rotating schedule that will keep all three quite content (once their Kama Simtra score is high, if you use that Woohooer module, which happens pretty fast when they have 2 potential partners standing right around there). I'm not passing any moral judgement here, just providing factual data that can be used however you see fit for your own sim orgies relationships. Happy New Year!Thank you for the replies. Even if I don't find a solution to TS3's annoyances, it's some comfort to get them off my chest.

Consider your posts Friendly. ConsoleAgain, I cannot assign the No Jealousy reward to anyone besides the PC couple, because everyone else is an NPC.

Sims 4 no jealousy mod

I don't know any way to assign rewards to NPCs (if there is one, please let me know). Avengers in sci-fi discography rar full. Even if I could, it would make the NPCs not suffer the effects of jealousy from anyone, which isn't what I'm after.has the same suggestion. After fiddling with its settings, the best I've managed seems to be to stop fits of jealousy everywhere, but there's still a relationship loss for 'cheating'. That's far removed from what I was hoping for.Basically, what I'd like is this:. Sims with No Jealousy currently don't seem to suffer the effects of jealousy from anyone.

It would be ideal if this was limited to romantic interests only. Sims with No Jealousy shouldn't be jealous themselves. Flirts are fine, hypocrites aren't. Sims with No Jealousy should essentially make it clear they're not looking for an exclusive relationship. Their romantic interests shouldn't be jealous of each other.The only kind of cheating I don't mind doing is the kind that's typed into the in-game console. I would've liked a proper No Jealousy system that made room for non-exclusive relationships while still allowing cheaters to get in trouble if caught. As it is, 'No Jealousy' is such a misnomer.————————————This next bit is something of a Friendly.

Ramble Aimlessly, so you can safely stop reading here without missing the main point of this thread. Your own sim orgies relationships.Heh, orgies. The romantic exploits of my sims often lean more towards the comical:1. Before Woohooer, the sim doing the flirting in his own home got the Rude Guest moodlet.

They WooHooed, he got the Ask to Behave automatic action queued up, and then the romantic interest popped up a notification that said “You've got issues and I'm not sticking around to deal with them”. Both got a relationship loss afterwards. Great date, let's argue again sometime.2. The couple rolled the WooHoo with an Alien wish. Conveniently enough, it wasn't long before an alien started snooping around their house.

No matter how many times the alien was asked out, the first thing he would always do when arriving on the lot was faint. The outing or date would then immediately end, and instead of offering an apology, he would whine why oh why was he invited if my sim didn't want to do anything.

For good measure, the game would follow that up with an obnoxious “Worst date in recorded history” kind of notification.3. Thanks to Woohooer I found out that weird strut is called the 'Stride of Pride'.

One of the sims started doing it after a woohoo in the morning on a beach lot. Later that night, I was wondering why he hadn't made it home. It turns out he was still doing the strut and hadn't even reached the sidewalk to hail a cab yet.I'll stop there before I end up boring you. Whoops, too late. One of the fundamental ideas of romance in Sims 3 is that relationships are exclusive. The whole romance system is based on that idea, particularly after romance visibility and reputation was implemented (without exclusive relationships, both those systems are pointless).No Jealousy only reliably stops lovers reacting and it also deals only with observers (not the perpetrator themself, as you've seen). Others who see cheating may (but are not guaranteed to) take a hit to their relationship with the cheaters.

Even if they don't react, no jealousy isn't the same as no visibility, so if those other sims were close enough, the visibility will go up. In a crowded area, you can easily hit full visibility with only a few romantic socials, the upshot of which is that the other lover has a high chance to accuse of cheating the next time they are on the same lot as their lover(s). That mechanic alone scuppers any real chance of having a non-exclusive relationship fully within the public eye.The best way to do love triangles is to have everyone involved as romantic interests, as those aren't considered 'partners' and thus a sim can have as many as they wish at any one time.

For this reason, when people other than the third lover witness any romantic interactions between those sims, they won't react, as they're still considered 'single' (although the relationship visibility may still increase). No Jealousy on the three sims involved will stop jealous reactions between them if they see each other flirting, but again, the visibility may go up, quite considerably since the observer is romantically involved with them. If you need to cheat to give a sim that reward, try using Nraas MasterController to add lifetime happiness to the sim who needs it and purchase the reward on them.1- Romantic interactions with guests often have problems with 'inappropriateness' when one of them is partnered with someone or while there are others on the home lot. Bundle the gooseberries off to the park, library, anywhere off-lot and things will usually go much better when the date is at home. Beware the shower woohoo though, that's considered inappropriate for a guest regardless.2- When aliens are snooping, they're on a timer after which they're meant to bug out and leave. Dates will end automatically if any motive drops too low. If I were to make a guess at a non-glitch explanation, I'd think maybe the game doesn't want aliens going off the lot they're snooping on, so it deliberately drops their motive down so they can exit the date 'cleanly' and then go home.

The sims 4 no jealousy mod

Does it happen if they're called on the phone and asked out that way?3- Though I've not seen it myself, apparently the Stride of Pride can be observed as a cheating action. Be careful where you strut. If you need to cheat to give a sim that reward, try using Nraas MasterController to add lifetime happiness to the sim who needs it and purchase the reward on them.Ah-ha! So it's Master Controller Intermediate Lifetime Happiness 45000, then Master Controller Basic Purchase Rewards No Jealousy and Above Reproach. Thanks for nudging me to sift though those menus some more.Since I remembered just how atrocious the story progression system is, I don't have any qualms about assigning those rewards to NPCs anymore. Unfortunately, this has been so frustrating that I probably don't have any interest anymore either, but still good to know, just in case.

If I were to make a guess at a non-glitch explanation, I'd think maybe the game doesn't want aliens going off the lot they're snooping on, so it deliberately drops their motive down so they can exit the date 'cleanly' and then go home.I managed to find out why the alien was fainting on every date and friendly outing (yes, on community lots).His motives were fine, which I already suspected since he didn't pop up any alarming thought bubbles. The problem is that he has the Coward trait. My sims are a ghost and a werewolf. So he gets something like the 'Scared - From Ghost' moodlet, then he moronically faints. It makes no difference whether the sim in question is a best friend, romantic interest, or roommate. 'Oh my goodness, it's my best friend I've known for two years and last saw yesterday!.FAINTS.' If this ends up being too annoying later on, I'll try that removes the occult reaction (as far as I know, that's the only one compatible with Seasons).

I don't actually know if it would apply in this case, or if this trait-related reaction is something separate. Oh well.Comments on the romance system are behind a spoiler tag, to keep just the parts about trying to solve the issue visible. Also, this way, it makes it seem like I'm capable of being concise.

One of the fundamental ideas of romance in Sims 3 is that relationships are exclusive.I hope you're not making the argument that the developers are trying to promote wholesome values, because that's so far removed from the truth, that it would make me start a tirade of epic proportions. I will try to restrain myself and say only the following.As far as I can gather, they really enjoy the concept of cheating. Like in The Sims 2, Daniel Pleasant — a married sim with two teenage daughters — had a lifetime wish to WooHoo with 20 Sims or something of the sort.

And now, in Sunlit Tides, prequel, newly married Daniel wants to be the boyfriend of 10 sims. Now with the No Jealousy reward, he can WooHoo with Janet Nasty, and her husband Joe won't mind one bit.And that's not even counting some of the more outlandish things in The Sims, like public WooHoo, male pregnancy caused by extraterrestrial rape, peeping toms spying on kids, and WooHoo with zombies and rusty robots. Quote:I hope you're not making the argument that the developers are trying to promote wholesome values, because that's so far removed from the truth, that it would make me start a tirade of epic proportions. I will try to restrain myself and say only the following.As far as I can gather, they really enjoy the concept of cheating.

Like in The Sims 2, Daniel Pleasant — a married sim with two teenage daughters — had a lifetime wish to WooHoo with 20 Sims or something of the sort. And now, in Sunlit Tides, prequel, newly married Daniel wants to be the boyfriend of 10 sims. Now with the No Jealousy reward, he can WooHoo with Janet Nasty, and her husband Joe won't mind one bit.And that's not even counting some of the more outlandish things in The Sims, like public WooHoo, male pregnancy caused by extraterrestrial rape, peeping toms spying on kids, and WooHoo with zombies and rusty robots.Is it so strange for EA to promote that while having a bunch of other things that contradict it? I don't think they care if it stands up under fine scrutiny, only that it gets past the censors intact. Quote:As it is, on the whole, it seems little thought was put into it. My aforementioned gripes with how jealousy works. Every time a famous, occult married couple WooHoos in the privacy of their own home, they get the 'Publicly Disgraced - For WooHoo with an Occult' moodlet.

A sim cheating doesn't affect the 'Eternally Faithful' moodlet.And I'm sure there's much more stupidity just waiting to be discovered.I don't see how romantic reputation would be pointless with non-exclusive relationships, if done right. Let's take Don Lothario for instance. Let's say he has non-exclusive relationships with the Caliente sisters (Romantic Interest), while simultaneously making promises of commitment to Cassandra Goth (Going Steady, Engaged or Married). So he's considered both a Flirt and a Cheater. Flirty sims and sims with Commitment Issues might appreciate someone known to be experienced, while Hopeless Romantics and Family-Oriented sims would be hesitant to give in to his advances.But no. Instead, we get a town full of psychic busybodies who judge what sims do in their own bedrooms.

I'll go make a batch of Flasks of Angry Bees to vent my frustration.Yeah, I was glib: the CURRENT system would be pointless, as that assumes exclusive relationships are all that's accepted in the world. Is it so strange for EA to promote that while having a bunch of other things that contradict it? I don't think they care if it stands up under fine scrutiny, only that it gets past the censors intact.Getting things past the rating boards isn't the issue though.

Sims 4 No Jealousy Mod List

It's either yet another case of something being poorly thought out, or perhaps a reflection of the developers' own tastes ('cheating is great, cheating when married doubly so!' ).I really don't see the reason it was implemented as is because someone thought, 'Mary-Sue may not be mad at her husband cheating on her, but she does hate the other woman. That's why I'm fine with this, and if that were to change, I would get my torch and pitchfork and form a friendly neighborhood lynch mob.' Anyway, I'll try to end the commentary on a more positive note. For all my complaints about and occasional outright loathing towards TS3, I do appreciate some of its aspects.For instance, I like the trait system as opposed to those obscure personality points.

Sims 4 No Jealousy Mod Pack

I appreciate that they're tried to present a more varied and accurate portayal of human personalities.I also think the public disgrace system had potential, if only it removed celebrity points instead of dishing out 'I feel bad because I care what strangers think about me' moodlets. It would've done a fair job of representing how fame waxes and wanes based on public opinion.And one thing I immensenly appreciate about TS3 is the absence of Ms. May she rot in the deepest pits of hell. Now that's what I call ending on a positive note! But the ability of groups to produce self-contradictory results is even more fundamental than that. Even if the decision-makers were all in the same room discussing one specific point, the group doesn't think like a human thinks. Watch this:Humans A, B and C are considering three alternatives X, Y, and Z.Human A prefers X over Y over Z.Human B prefers Y over Z over X (i.e., they agree with A, except they have something against alternative X.)Human C prefers Z over X over Y.

(i.e., they agree with A, except when it comes to alternative Z.)If you were to present the alternatives in pairs, this group would prefer X over Y (2 to 1), Y over Z (2 to 1), and Z over X (2 to 1).Sure, this is a contrived example, but it shows how easily a group of rational people can produce a result that we'd instantly recognize as irrational if it came from an individual. In a bigger organization with more interactions, this stuff goes on all the damned time. Groups of people are not people and we get disappointed when we expect them to act like people.I draw two conclusions:. Corporate 'personhood' is a serious mistake. There are qualities of 'personhood', really important ones, that groups of persons simply do not have. In love triangles, everybody had better love everybody else, well and often, or they'll soon be at odds over something.

'Kissing will get you through times of irrationality better than rationality will get you through times of no kissing.' I encourage experimentation on this point.

SIMCEST WARNING!Mods by lostaccount/deadpoolCheat code used:Modifyrelationship (Sim 1's first name) (Sims 1's last name) (Target Sim's first name) (target Sim's last name) 100 friendship/romancemain.Household:Magma and AquaHousehold locale:Avarice Acres In NewcrestMarried Couple:Destiny and Archie AquaTheir child:Shelly AquaLewd Parent:Destiny's dad, Maxie Magma.The first time this occured was in my Sootopolis Household in Willow Creek, Juan Sootopolis became romantic towards his married daughter, Destiny Stone, the wife of Steven Stone.