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Astm concrete test kit instructions. It probably gets easier to aim without crosshair once your high enough level to not swing the bow around like a drunken sailor but until then I'm using the console command so I can stop wasting my shots trying to get the jump on people only to miss & then continue too miss as they charge at me lol.

  1. Feb 19, 2018  10:50 Bow Leveling Tips 14:15 Bowman's Brew Potion-KINGDOM COME DELIVERANCE Archery Tutorial KINGDOM COME DELIVERANCE Bow Guide KINGDOM COME DELIVERANCE Arrow Types KINGDOM COME DELIVERANCE.
  2. How can the answer be improved?

If you’ve been playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance lately then you’ve probably become tired of the rather intrusive and immersion breaking yellow orb that’s constantly everywhere you look. I know I’ve become tired of it, so to fix it I’ve found a few really great mods offering some different choices to either alter or even completely remove the reticle in KC:D.From almost invisible, to barely visible, to completely gone, let’s take a look at some of the best mods to change the reticle in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.It’s worth noting that all of these mods are coming from. If you didn’t know about NexusMods beforehand, you should definitely learn about them now because it’s one of the best places to find mods!

No ReticleThe name of this mod says it all. Was made by JustAnOrdinaryGuy on NexusMods and it completely removes the yellow orb from KC:D – it’s amazing. I mean, playing KC:D without a reticle is amazing, the mod is pretty amazing as well but I think you get what I’m saying.Installation couldn’t be easier and it should only take a matter of 30 seconds to complete. Simply download No Reticle’s.zip file, navigate to KC:D’s “data” folder ( “SteamsteamappscommonKingdomComeDeliverancedata”), and then extract the contents of the.zip. Couldn’t be easier!Personally, this is the mod I use. Whenever I have the option to completely remove a reticle (without hampering gameplay) I almost always do it.

Kingdom come deliverance bow reticle command

Very Unintrusive ReticleThis is another mod with an extremely descriptive title. As the name implies, replaces the vanilla yellow orb with something significantly less obvious. It was created by Lobuno on NexusMods.What you get is a small, almost unnoticeable gray orb. For those people who want to almost get rid of the reticle completely, but still want some kind of visual assistance for targeting items, this is the definitive go-to option.Just like No Reticle, installing Very Unintrusive Reticle is very simple and only requires you to download the.zip file, and extract it in KC:D’s “data” folder ( “SteamsteamappscommonKingdomComeDeliverancedata”). From there, simply boot up the game and bask in the near-invisible reticle glory! Unintrusive Reticleis the handiwork of creator Woulve on Nexus Mods and it strikes a nice balance between the vanilla reticle and something less intrusive, unintrusive if you will.

This might be the best choice for a lot of gamers.The reticle here is a standard gray orb that does its job well without completely breaking your immersion. If you simply cannot stand the vanilla option but you still want some kind of reticle that’s easy enough to see, this is the mod for you.Just like the last two, installing Unintrusive Reticle is extremely simple and requires the same steps. Download the.zip file and extract it to KC:D’s “data” folder( “SteamsteamappscommonKingdomComeDeliverancedata”), that’s it!

Bow Dot ReticleTired of not being able to see where you’re aiming your bow? Well, is your answer! This mod is a little buggy and can potentially cause some unwanted side effects, but it’s not guaranteed and it likely works more than it breaks things.It’s compatible with the different reticle mods and serves to make your life easier as an archer. All it does it make sure the reticle does not disappear when you knock and draw an arrow, so you always know where you’re aiming – it’s a great learning tool if you want to get really good at archery.Installation of Bow Dot Reticle is a little different than the other mods listed here, but it’s still very simple. Either download the user.cfg from Nexus and place it in KC:D’s base folder (“SteamsteamappscommonKingdomComeDeliverance”) and voila, you have a reticle!

Kingdom Come Deliverance Bows And Roses

Alternatively, if you’ve already made your own user.cfg (to remove vsync or anything like that) simply add this line to your existing file: “whplshowfirecursor=1” – you can also do this in the console (hit ` in-game) if you want to test it out. ConclusionThat’s it!

Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Skill

Just 4 mods that’ll hopefully increase your quality of life while adventuring through Medieval Bohemia.Have a question? Leave it below!