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There are 2 well known strategies to farm Legendary Loot Midget (LLM). The first one can be way more efficient but require more luck. The second one offer always 3 LLM but require some work and a pretty long run every time. MorningAfterKill made a quite good video about how to efficiently (not sure its a real word) use the 1st method. Sep 19, 2012  Borderlands 2 Badass Tokens Farming Guide – How To Farm. You can trade with your friend by holding B while near him. Second player accepts the trade, and then both players enter trade interface. To complete the process, both players select ‘Trade’. Borderlands 2 Iridium farming guide will help you increase your levels Borderlands 2 Iridium is crucial to getting better weapons and many more items such as Iridium is the rare mineral used for augments, upgrades, and to purchase some of the most powerful weapons in the game. In the guide above it will show you how.

Greetings, Traveler!Welcome to Pandora, its moon Elpis, and the Helios station. We are all things Borderlands, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels.Resources: Skill calculators: BL1: BL2: Don't forget to RulesRead the! It tells all. At the very least, browse our.The short form:.

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Timezone (for schedule) and geographical location (for lag) can also be significant. Finally, where are you in the game itself?PC players may join our.Discordians should join the Verified or the.Co-op matchmaking reddits: SHiFT CodesPrevious SHiFT codes: Partner redditsand allow link posts. Same subject matter as here, different stylefor Pre-Sequel content onlyaccepts powerleveling and duping requests, unlike usfor trading gear, as opposed to begging for itfor 'modding' discussion. Gibbed, Cheat Engine, etc.

My advice is to farm for levels rather than gear in nvhm and tvhm. Nothing you farm is going to be viable in uvhm, and you don't want to spend time farming enemies at level 50 since you risk leveling up too much, and you're going to want to enter uvhm as close to level 50 as possible. In nvhm and tvhm, pretty much anything that drops will be viable, so try everything out. Axton can make good use out of any weapon type, so don't worry about min-maxing and optimizing your load out until you get towards the end game.

How To Farm Bosses In Borderlands 2

You just need a LOT of patience and the right gear. If you just got to TVHM Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide has an increased chance of dropping an unkept harold, ive had amazing luck with him.to be honest raid bosses are a waste of time unless you need something that only they drop (Terra gear for example) until you get to UVHM. They more often than not have horrible loot tables and their legendary drops can be farmed elsewhere.for me the best place is the loot midgets at WEP. Ive had amazing luck there in all of my playthroughs.is a wiki page that has all of the legendaries as well as where/who to farm them-good luck!.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a noob to Borderlands. I've played on Xbox for a while, and just recently got it on PC (And I can say it's so much better). But something has always confused me; farming bosses.

For example, say I wanted to get the shield 'The Sham', or the shotgun 'The Conference Call'. You have to farm the BNK3R and The Warrior to get these, respectively. Whenever I kill these bosses, they're easy as hell and I get no good loot.


How To Farm Bunker In Borderlands 2

I think that what may be the problem is that I farm them on Normal Mode, but I'm on playthrough two. They're like level 30 when I fight them, and I'm 41. I heard that on UVHM, enemies scale. So, does that mean that when I hit 72 on UVHM, if I were to go fight the BNK3R, he will be 72 as well and I'll get better loot? Thanks in advance for any help. Weeeeell, kill a lower level enemy, and you'll likely get lower-level loot; it figures.

On UVHM, all enemies scale with you, OP1-8 excluded. Originally posted by:Weeeeell, kill a lower level enemy, and you'll likely get lower-level loot; it figures.

On UVHM, all enemies scale with you, OP1-8 excluded.