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As I work for an Indonesian company, I'm very curious what are the differences between Muslim and Islam? Why are Muslim people in Asia less conservative than ones in Middle East? Having heard that this book is much better than Phuong Mai's first book 'I'm a donkey', I decided to purchase this book and it's completely worth spending. It is jaw-dropping and mind-blowing, it clears all my doubts about this region.The author takes us across 13 countries: Saudi, Dubai, Oman, Yemen, Leb As I work for an Indonesian company, I'm very curious what are the differences between Muslim and Islam?

  1. Nguyen Phong Mai Va Con Nghi Giao.pdf 2
  2. Nguyen Phong Mai Va Con Nghi Giao.pdf Tap

Why are Muslim people in Asia less conservative than ones in Middle East? Having heard that this book is much better than Phuong Mai's first book 'I'm a donkey', I decided to purchase this book and it's completely worth spending. It is jaw-dropping and mind-blowing, it clears all my doubts about this region.The author takes us across 13 countries: Saudi, Dubai, Oman, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and Spain. At the time she was travelling, Arab Spring bursts out in this area. The catalyst of this campaign was in a small town called Sidi Bouzi, Tunisia. In 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi burned himself with gasoline as he was unable to sell fruits on the roadside and beated by a policewoman.

This event leads to many strikes organized by the unemployed, activists and the intellectuals who are dissatisfied with the existing political system. I really admire Mai for her bravery to enlighten us with knowledge, sympathy and surprise for this mystery region.1. Saudi: This country is entirely close to the world. It turns out that 'Saud' is a powerful family in Arab and some countries are named after them. This country has extreme hard rules for women: They have to wear abaya, no driving, no going out alone without accompanied by a male relatives. I was very angry when reading the part about Vietnamese poor female labor working in Saudi, being abused, starved and even raped.

Unfortunately, petroleum constitute tremendously to this country's economy, that's why male becomes the main labor force.2. Dubai: It is known as one of the richest country in the world with charming billionaires wearing LV and driving a Ferrari. Famous for 6 and 7-star hotels designed by Western architects, Dubai has to welcome a lot of workers from third world countries to work on these buildings. 95% of this country's population is foreigners.3. Oman: This country is extremely amicable with warm-hearted people.

Their diplomatic policy is to open and make friends with every country in the world. Women have a right to do what they want in this country. This is a heaven, the best country in Middle East.

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Oman has a long history to conquer other continents, which makes me think a lot as in Vietnam, even now people tend to be stable, not taking risk, not challenging themselves with new horizons. That's why we are always shy, always full of prejudices and always care too much on others' lives, as our own life is too boring and we have nothing to do but gossip others.4. Yemen: This is one of the poorest countries in the world with GDP per capita is less than $2.

The main reason for this situation is their neighboring country - Saudi. Saudi has a policy to 'keep Yemen weak', because if Yemen becomes wealthier, they will buy back the petroleum area their greedy dictator sold to Saudi.5. Lebanon: Having been colonized by the French, Lebanon is highly influenced by Christian.

However, as the Islam dominate this country, the Christian have to immigrate to Western countries. They have a brilliant civilization with primitive alphabets which many countries imitate to develop their own languages.

The Lebanese have a great entrepreneurial mind and I will try one of their restaurants in Hanoi.6. Syria: It is not as chaotic as it is portrayed by the media.

There are still parties here and there. The politicians in this country apply 'Divide and Rule' policy, they protect the minor religion and take advantage of the weak.7. Jordan:- Dead Sea is the most well-known place of this country which is the lowest point of the world. Don't try to taste the water, your tongue will ignite!- In this chapter, it is excruciatingly disgusting when I know one rule in this country: If a woman is raped, she has to be witnessed by 4 other man, otherwise she will be accused of adultery! How unequal for women in Jordan! Politicians just take advantage of Quran to set whatever policy they want to women.- It is shocked that homosexuality is normal in Middle East. As men have to keep distance from women, infatuation between men is acceptable.

Some rich men even have a beautiful boy called halekon or bacha at home to have fun. In Iran, a trans man/woman is acceptable, the government sponsor for medical transition.

But if you are a gay/les, you will be hanged.8. Palestine:- Reading this chapter, I realise the strategic importance of each small country in 'Divide and Rule' policy. Lebanon was separated from Saudi so that many religions will fight against each other.

Kuwait was separated from Iraq so that this country cannot go far to the sea.- Israel for the Jewish and Palestine for the Islam. Jerusalem, which is the origin of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is claimed by both Israel and Palestine as the capital.9. Egypt:- Can't believe that one of the World's Wonder is dominated by scams.

Reading this chapter, I don't want to come to Giza anymore.- Although the revolution in 2011 failed, I can feel the heat and desire of young people there who are ambitious to change this country for better living standard and rebuild governmental institution.10. Lybia: I thought it is a poor country, however, it turns out that this country is very safe and has the same living standard as the Europe.11. Tunisian: Before Arab Spring, Tunisia was a developed country with only 2% in poverty rate. Equality was promoted to women, political institution is as strong as Singapore and education system was ranked 17th.

The reason is they borrowed the laws from Western countries, that's why they developed by leaps and bounds in a very short time. I hope this country will come back to their heyday soon with their intelligent and hard-working people.12. Morocco: No caviar, no Rick Cafe there. With the border near Spain, Morocco used to colonize this country. The Islam used to have a Golden Age where philosophy, technology and art are highly developed (7th century to 13th century). However, Golden Age soon ruins and the Christian took Spain back.Lesson learned from this book:- There's no good or bad man.

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There are just more or less goodness, or more or less badness.- Don't just stay at your town, go outside and see other countries.- Whoever wins or loses, poor people have to pay. My very first book about Islam. I suddenly found this ebook when surfing web and decided to put it in my kindle. I never thought that I would read any books kind of culture and religion until this book.I love the way author start the story by stopping the current work and travel alone to discover Middle East. It make reader like me humble and keep reading to know what will happen to the Vietnamese girl in the place where sex discrimination is still one of the hot problems. But second half of the My very first book about Islam. I suddenly found this ebook when surfing web and decided to put it in my kindle.

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I never thought that I would read any books kind of culture and religion until this book.I love the way author start the story by stopping the current work and travel alone to discover Middle East. It make reader like me humble and keep reading to know what will happen to the Vietnamese girl in the place where sex discrimination is still one of the hot problems. But second half of the book is just like a report of author about each country in Middle East.Overall, this is a should-read book, author might have a rich knowledge and spend time to research by providing present background and also the history of forming to religion. We also understand the social problems and any prejudices that woman in this regions have to suffer.

I am not sure whether the copy I read is an authorized print or not as I detected 2 spelling mistakes in it. To me, spelling mistake is unacceptable in a widely published book.However, even with those mistakes, I still want to rate the book more than 5 stars for its profound content, which is mainly about Muslim, Islamic and Middle East countries where the author traveled through.I am also extremely impressed by a quote at the end of the book: 'A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it s I am not sure whether the copy I read is an authorized print or not as I detected 2 spelling mistakes in it. To me, spelling mistake is unacceptable in a widely published book.However, even with those mistakes, I still want to rate the book more than 5 stars for its profound content, which is mainly about Muslim, Islamic and Middle East countries where the author traveled through.I am also extremely impressed by a quote at the end of the book: 'A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song' by an American poet and civil right activist Maya Angelou. So why does that quote impress me? I love writing and often write stories to share with my friends on Facebook. But sometimes I ask myself: what does it for? Can it resolve any problem?

Is it a waste of time? And it dawned on me today when I finished the last pages of the book and note that quote, I don't need to solve anything, I just write because I have stories to tell. It's great if you have an independent mind and the freedom to speak up.

The author appears to be a brave, independent woman who always knows how to stand her ground.This book totally broadens my horizon and gives me profound insights into the real picture of the Muslim communities. With this book, I am able to drop many of my unfounded prejudices towards this country.

That is to say, there is more than wars and terrorism in that region of the world. Where humanity still shines amidst the sins. Where the sun still embraces the earth with its warmth through the darke The author appears to be a brave, independent woman who always knows how to stand her ground.This book totally broadens my horizon and gives me profound insights into the real picture of the Muslim communities. With this book, I am able to drop many of my unfounded prejudices towards this country. That is to say, there is more than wars and terrorism in that region of the world. Where humanity still shines amidst the sins. Where the sun still embraces the earth with its warmth through the darkest corners.

And where the mosque's calls still spread regardless of the bombs drowning.Phuong Mai instils in me the inspirations to step out of my comfort zone and go beyond out to the big world.I really look forward to her next book.A must-read for those who are burning by wanderlust and have a strong interest in cultures. For those who've never heard of or barely grasped the difference between religions, including Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam. This half-travel-half-scientific book is right for you, willing readers. The way the author dug deep into the roots of conflicts on 'The Path of Islam' as she traveled from Middle East to North Africa for nearly a year truly enlightened my shallow mind. Before this, to the depths of my sorry and honesty, I can't even tell one religion from anoth For those who've never heard of or barely grasped the difference between religions, including Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam.

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This half-travel-half-scientific book is right for you, willing readers. The way the author dug deep into the roots of conflicts on 'The Path of Islam' as she traveled from Middle East to North Africa for nearly a year truly enlightened my shallow mind. Before this, to the depths of my sorry and honesty, I can't even tell one religion from another, cause' it's not that usual for religions and their rich history to be taught at schools.One of the philosophical debates in the book that really intrigued me is that 'nothing is wholly right or wholly wrong' and 'no one is wholly good or wholly bad, there are just very-good and fairly-good or very-bad and fairly-bad people'.Hope the book be translated into English soon.