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Fallout 4: Settlements Tutorial for Managing, Building, and Optimizing Towns Sanctuary is likely to be your first Settlement. Building it up by completing the quest will result in a lot of XP and resources to help your character progress. Fallout 4 mod lets you export and share your settlements with other players By Christopher Livingston 2017-03-12T18:16:44.7Z Scan your settlement and create a blueprint that can be imported into.

People who have played Fallout Shelter will recognize many of the features in settlements. The building process also reminded me of The Sims. I'm going to help you get started by explaining everything about settlements and give you tips to create the best communities you can.If you're looking for more help with the game, visit my. This guide will go over everything about settlements in Fallout 4 including:.


Settlement Basics - Info on what you can do with this feature, perks to look out for, and tips. Structures - The basics of building things like houses. Furniture and Decorations - How to keep the interior looking good. Resources, Power, and Defense - What you need to keep your settlements running, and how to defend your settlements when they get big enough.

Crafting and Stores - Ways to bring in extra money and items.Settlement BasicsThe biggest part of building a settlement is the actual building. You'll want to build houses, forts, or whatever to make an actual home. Any place that has a workshop can be used as a settlement.Most of the time, you'll need to clear the area out or do a quest to unlock it.

Here are some things to look for when getting started. Structures - The buildings and fences to keep your settlement enclosed. Furniture - Things to put in your building, or even outside if you're into that. Decorations - If you're going to live in a post-apocalyptic world, you might as well make the most of it.Go to the workshop of your settlement to start building.

When you pull the menu you up, you can move around and select any of the features.You can exit the menu at anytime and bring it up again without going back to the workshop, as long as you don't go anywhere else. You can also build defenses, power, resources, crafting areas, and stores. I'll explain those later.You'll need resources, such as metal or wood, to build anything. There are a wide variety of materials needed, depending on what you want to build. Tips.

You can scrap things you don't need while in build mode. Use this to scrap everything at a new settlement that you don't want. You can focus on one building at a time and scrap everything else for more materials.

If you use an item during crafting instead of breaking it down for materials, you lose any extra materials that the item has that are not used in the recipe. You can also scrap items in your inventory. Just drop them on the ground, then open the workshop menu. Target it to scrap it. You can rotate items and move them around, even after placing them.

Xbox - Press RT or LT to rotate right or left. PC - Right or Left mouse button. PS4 - R2 or L2. To assign someone to something, go the build mode, select the person, then select what you want to assign them to.PerksIf you want to access extra features in settlements, you'll want to get at least 6 Charisma.

This gives you access to the Local Leader Perk, which has 2 ranks. Rank 1 - Establish supply lines between your workshop settlements. This allows you to link your settlements through supply lines. Target someone, then pull up your list of settlements. Select the settlement you want to make a supply line to. This assigns them to travel between the 2 settlements.

Linked settlements gives access to the inventory of any settlement linked to that one, as well as share resources. This includes food and water. If you have enough food shared between your settlements, you won't need to plant food at every settlement. You would need a lot of food to do this, though. Rank 2 (Requires level 14) - Allows you to build stores and workstations at your settlements.

When you get this perk, you can build stores that can bring in more caps and items. You'll have to assign people to work at them.

You can also build any workstation so you can put all your crafting in one place.These are important perks, but I wouldn't worry about getting them until you have multiple settlements and you start building them up. You can't get the last rank until level 14 anyway, so you have time.Below are a list of perks you need if you want access to everything in settlements:. Gun Nut Rank 3 - Require Int 3 and level 25. Science Rank 3 - Requires Int 6 and level 28.

Transfer Settlements Fallout 4 Mod

Hacker - Requires Int 4. Medic - Requires Int 2. Cap Collector Rank 2 - Requires Charisma 1 and level 20.StructuresYou can build walls, floors, roofs, stairs, doors, bridges, and fences in this section. There are 2 types, wood and metal.

Some of the options in each category use both wood and metal.This is where you want to start. You want to have at least one enclosed house so your people aren't wandering around outside all the time.When building walls and roofs, most of the items can connect to each each other. When you are placing of these, the object snaps into place to show that you can do it.These items add up quickly and your resources will be gone before you know it if you aren't paying attention. Just focus on building one house at first, preferably one that already has parts built.When you get everything else you need, you can start adding fences and other things around the settlement. Furniture and DecorationsThe only immediate thing you need in this category is a bed.

You need at least 1 bed for every person on your settlement. Other option in this category include: chairs, containers, shelves, tables, TVs, paintings, vending machines, and more.These are nice additions to make your place look better, but one of the last things you should worry about. Resources, Power, and DefenseThis is the most important section to build and maintain. Resources has everything you need for food and water. You need to keep this high so your people have enough to survive. Food, Water, Etc.You can place a water pump, and any vegetables you have, in dirt to supply water and food. You need to assign someone to the crops you plant so they can gather food while you're gone.You can also build a Scavenging Station that you can assign someone to.

Transfer Settlements Fallout 4 How To Use And Removing

This gives resources like steel and other things used for crafting and building. What you get is random, though. PowerWhen you start building up your settlement, you'll want to bring in more people. You can build a recruitment radio beacon to do this. It needs power to run, so make sure you build generators.

You can also build terminals and place lights, which also need power. To power things up, place a generator close enough to the object you want to power.

Make sure there are no obstacles between them, then choose 'attach wire'. Move the wire to the object you want to power until it snaps into place, then select 'attach wire' again.DefensesFinally, you'll need to defend your settlements from raiders and other dangers. Each item in this category has a defense value. Your settlement's defense value should at least be equal to the sum of your food and water. So if you have 6 food and 5 water, your defense should be 11 or higher.You can place guard posts, which you must assign people to. You can also build turrets and traps. The machine gun turrets don't require power, but everything else does.

These are all automatic so you should focus having more on them.The heavy machine gun turrets offer a good defense with no power cost. You only need Gun Nut rank 1 for them. Placing 2 or 3 of those around your settlement should be all the defense value you need for a while.

Crafting and StoresIf you have the local leader rank 2 perk, you can build in this category. When you establish enough settlements, you won't need to make workstations, but it can still be useful.It is nice to have all the workstations at one or all of your settlements.

Plus, it is good to have access to power armor stations at all of your settlements.Stores can bring in caps, make settlements happy, and offer you items to buy. You can build trader, armor, weapons, food and drink, clinic, and clothing stores. The more expensive stores give you more options.Each store needs a person assigned to run it, so keep that in mind when building.

You can get the caps by selecting transfer at workshop and going over to Misc. Now, just transfer the caps to your inventory.This concludes my Fallout 4 Settlements Info and Tips. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments. Guide EditorAfter gaming for 25 years, Synzer leveraged his vast knowledge of RPGs and MMOs into a job as a games journalist, covering the games he loves. Five years later, he's still writing about Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Knights of the Old Republic. Synzer has a bachelor's degree in English and creative writing. You can see him in action on his YouTube channel (https://bit.ly/2F97BrR) and Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/synzergaming)&period.

LoadingWhat's even better, is that all stations are linked. Dumped your into a Workbend? Head over to the nearby one, and you'll see all your here as well!This is hugely useful as Fallout 4's complex crafting system requires you to constantly gather new for modding and repair jobs. Use fast travel to hop back and forth between excess materials and weapons you've discovered.You Can't Throw Grenades in V.A.T.S. It's weird, but you can't throw grenades from inside the V.A.T.S.

Even if you individually select a grenade just before entering, the interface will simply refuse to let you throw it. You CAN throw a grenade and immediately to V.A.T.S. To try and shoot it down, but it doesn't work very well.You Can Level and Rebuild to Get Cool Stuff Using your crafting abilities, you can tear down the old houses in (be sure to loot them first) and replace them with new of your own design. Build enough beds and setters, as well as accomplish enough recruitment missions and you'll soon have a bevy of settlers. PowerArmorT60Pic04.jpgThis, in turn, will attract traders who will wander in with new wares to sell, including some killer weapons. You can also level up just by building. It's extremely rewarding.Stays Around stays where you leave it, so if you run out of gas or want to save don't be afraid to abandon it.just be sure to remember where you dropped it off.

The will display a helmet icon of the of your Armor.There's a Magical Place You Should Save Your Game Just before ascending the elevator from, create a save file. This point marks your last chance to respec your character and allows you to skip the fifteen-minute tutorial with a new game.It's also worth noting that if your saving your game constantly, and have the game set to frequently autosave, it can get confusing when trying to remember which of your save files are which.

Consider saving your game while looking at something important - like a person or place, so you can better identify what you were doing at the time.You Should Build a As you gather followers, you'll discover that they tend to wander around your. You can waste a lot of time looking for them, so craft a at your main settlements. Ringing it will call everyone to you.You're Carrying a Game Boy.

MiniGames01.jpgYour Pip Boy has a tape drive, and that means you can play your minigame tapes on the go. No need to wait for a.You Can Tag Materials You're Looking For You can break down at to build more materials, but you'll sometimes find yourself short of key you need for your projects. That's where the command at the bench comes in. By Tagging a material, you'll cause a magnifying icon to appear next to every piece of you encounter that contains that desired element. It's a great way to complete Crafting and mod projects quickly.Build Mode Tips The ability to scrap everything saves huge amounts of time when you're trying to thin out your inventory and put some defenses up around your settlement. Dropping weapons and in build mode and scrapping it draws every last potential component out of the dropped items and wastes nothing.Unplug Your Suits If you leave a suit of Power Armor, you may want to take the out using the Transfer inventory command.

Otherwise, NPCs, might grab them when alerted and move them!Under-Armor and Over-Armor There are three kinds of armor in Fallout 4, and they're not clearly defined. Some full suits are sort of self-contained full armor sets. You can't customize them or layer over/under them. Armor (especially some kinds of clothing) act as an under-armor layer which can be combined with over-armor head, chest, arm, and leg pieces. Experiment in your Pip Boy to see which combinations work. See Also:.

See Also:. See Also:You Really Do Need To Run for the Vault Did you go right to the vault in the beginning? The game makes a point to insist you go there, but if you don't you'll be in for a surprise.

Linger around Sanctuary for a long enough period of time, and you can find out just what happens when the bombs fall and you're out in the open!Ammo is a Precious Commodity Perhaps more important than 's bottlecap currency - ammo can be hard to come by, especially in the beginning. Remember the following tips to maximize your efficiency. Besides traders, you can only find ammo off enemy corpses, in ammo crates/Big Chests, and statically placed in the world. Increase you ability to find ammo elsewhere with the Scrounger. Carry 3-4 different weapons with different ammo types to add variety and spend less rare ammo.

For example, having a Pipe (with ammo that can be found easily) a laser weapon (with less abundant ammo sources) and a (rare ammo) lets you fall back to options. Don't let waste your ammo. Every human has a default weapon that they have unlimited ammo for. If you give them another weapon and have them equip it - they'll need consume ammo to keep using.

If you don't want them wasting ammo, make them trade it back to you. They can also grab ammo on their own if they are carrying the right weapons. Sell unwanted ammo to buy ammo you need! Once you move on from using pipe weapons, you'll probably start collecting more pipe ammo than you can count - so sell it off for tons of caps and buy back the ammo you need. Look in relevant to find ammo boxes. Places like military forts and bunkers, as well as law enforcement buildings will no doubt have security lockers filled with weapons and ammo. It's also worth clearing our Raider and Gunner bases to find their stashes as well.

Always loot ammo. Unlike most items in the game, ammo has no weight - even rockets and - so stock up!You Can Use HTML Tags When Naming Weapons Turns out you can use HTML tags when renaming your weapons! You can underline, bold, and italicize your weapon's name in Fallout 4. In order to do this you must go to a weapons and put the tag in front of your weapon's name.The HTML tags I've found useful thusfar are the following:. (This will underline the text). (This will make the text italicized). (This will bold the text)This is an example of what it will look like in game!Make sure the tag goes in front of the weapon's name, for example: =(This works on all platforms of the game as well).